Wednesday, March 6, 2019

It's Not About Guns!

It's about human rights. President Trump appears to have "bought" at least one of the fairy tales they spread, like butter, everywhere they go. The ant-gun fools present their argument as "controlling access to guns," but it is really to DENY us our constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT to be armed for self defense. The laws and regulations they promote do NOT "limit access to guns" for anybody but the law-abiding. They do obey these laws, even though they don't like them, while the people who ARE the problem predictably IGNORE them, and get their guns in a back alley somewhere, out of the car trunk belonging to another criminal. Meanwhile, gun violence continues unabated, even INCREASES. One example is Chicago, where the gun laws are very tight, while gun violence is very high, as well. Highest in the nation. How do these people get their guns? ILLEGALLY, of course, that's how. Somebody needs to come up with a REAL solution, and get it past those anti-gun fools, who simply want to do away with our right to be armed, in SPITE of the constitutional guarantee of that right. They don't care if we die, as long as they get their way. (MSN)

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