Monday, March 25, 2019

They Couldn't Prove It!

Dumocrats spent almost two years and$35 million of YOUR dollars in hopes of finding evidence that President Trump conspired with the Russians to win the election, looking under every rock and in every crevice, but found NOTHING. Will they now stop beating this dead horse? Not a chance. They plan on continuing this “witch hunt” until they can find SOMEONE they can threaten into saying something they can use as “evidence” against President Trump. They tried many times, with many people, and only succeeded once in using threats of imprisonment to get someone to LIE about President Trump. They did it by threatening to sentence a man’s WIFE to a long prison term if he refused to LIE about Trump. This is one of the worst times in our political history when Mueller hired 13 “Trump haters” as “prosecutors” to “get Trump,” and they couldn’t do it, no mater how many dirty tricks they used. (Just common sense)

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