Monday, March 25, 2019

Broke My BS Meter!

CNN’s answer to the question of how they managed to have the only cameras present when Mueller’s “Jack-booted thugs” made their predawn raid on the home of Roger Stone was, “We used ‘journalist ingenuity’ and we thought arresting Stone was the next step, so we wanted to be there.” Bull Droppings! It is the most obvious thing to those of us with intelligence that Mueller’s team “tipped CNN off” that the arrest was imminent. They can deny it to their dying day, but they’ll never get anyone with any degree of intelligence to believe it. The whole thing was “set up” to make Stone look like your usual criminal, who might have met the FBI with guns blazing, so they needed their 29 man, automatic wepons armed, with bullet-proof vests raid, to be safe. More bull droppings! All they would need is a polite knock on his door during normal business hours, and ask him to appear. He would do so. They didn’t need to raid him at dawn, holding automatic weapons on he and his hearing-challenged wife, forcing her outside in her night gown, in bare feet. It was an unreasonable excess, and there is no denying it. They’re fools if they try. (Zero Hedge)

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