Friday, March 8, 2019

"Isn't About the Baby!"

That’s the “war cry” of those who want the unfettered right to murder their offspring after engaging in unprotected sex. They don’t want to take responsibility for raising the result, so they just want to kill it. Now even AFTER the baby has survived the initial effort to kill it (at least, so far, just in New York and Virginia). They keep saying, “It’s not abut the baby! It’s about the woman’s right to choose what happens to her own body!” No, it’s NOT! It IS about the baby because we’re talking about ENDING A LIFE. If it were about a woman’s right to say what happens to her body, prostitution would be legal. But don’t look for that to happen soon. They say you can’t call abortion murder, trying to limit debate, but you CAN! It IS murder. It is ENDING A LIFE! That’s murder, in anybody’s language—unless you’re trying to overturn eons of human law and make murder legal “under certain conditions.” Maybe we should ask them what they would think about themselves being aborted. Maybe that would make them think, maybe not. “Abortion is for other people, not me.” That’s their way of thinking. (Just common sense)

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