Friday, March 1, 2019

Revealing their Socialism

Socialists reveal themselves in the things they promote. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for instance, reveals her socialism every time she opens her blow-hole. Her more recent revelation was her idea to “tax the rich” up to 70% of their earnings. Then Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren, went her one further, and is asking for a “rich people tax” up to 95%. NYC Mayor DiBlasio thinks the wealth “is in the wrong hands.” People who EARNED it. That the Dumocrat Party is solidly socialist is beyond question. Everything they promote has its basis in socialism. Taxes paying for college education; a minimum income for ALL, whether or not they work. Paying for MY college wasn’t even a question demanding an answer. It just wasn’t even considered. And paying me not to work? It wasn’t even suggested then. People in the United States were more intelligent, then. Paying people when they don’t work guarantees most of them will NOT work. So where will the socialist thieves get the money they need to LOOT to pay for all these things? There is a saying: “Socialism works until you run out of other people’s money.” And that is a truism. Socialism is BASED on the THEFT of the fruits of the ideas and labors of those willing and able to EARN for themselves, and socialism itself destroys this source by making sure that, in time, the “producers” of society will figure out they will be looted by the government, so they will stop producing—and the whole thing will go “down the tubes,” as expected, by those of us with any degree of intelligence. Socialism is failing spectacularly right now in Venezuela, but the socialist apologists are still trying to sell it. (Legal Insurrection)

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