Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Get OFF It, Aleady!

Okay; there’s a story there if the governor of Virginia ever appeared in blackface and allowed himself to be photographed that way, way back in his school days. Okay. It was reported, and he denied it after he admitted it. But now I have to ask, is it worth an ENTIRE DAY (or more) of discussion on cable news? Previous to that, this same governor APPROVED of legislation in his state allowing a doctor to KILL a helpless infant AS it is being born, and this story about him being in that picture has “taken over” cable news for MORE than a day. They’re OBSESSING over something that need not be a major story, as they often do. I’m getting to where I am very tired of even hearing about it. Is it true? I have no idea. All I know is that many southern politicians were racists, back in the day. It was as “natural as breathing’ to them then.

 Andrew Jackson, the FOUNDER of the Dumocrat Party, was a racist, as were many others we (not me) revere today. Senator Robert Byrd, whose name appears everywhere in West Virginia, was a “Grand Kleagle” in the KKK, and spoke in favor of the Klan throughout his spotted career in politics. He was also a Dumocrat. Yet the Dumocrats are today the biggest denouncers of racism, even though their own ranks are riddled with racists. They CREATED the KKK! Being pictured in blackface or in a phony KKK uniform way back when does not necessarily mean racism, today. But even if he was, is it worth several DAYS of comment and discussion on cable TV? No. You’d think this governor’s approval of infanticide would get more discussion, but it seemingly disappeared when the blackface picture was found. That’s stupid. But that’s politics, AND cable news, today. And this piddling story might accomplish what approving of infanticide didn’t even suggest. This governor’s loss of his job. (WTOP)

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