Friday, March 8, 2019

In Search of A Crime

The “swamp dwellers” have stopped even pretending that they’re actually looking for something specific. Now they’re “hunting for a crime” they can pin on President Trump. After the abysmal failure of all their previous efforts to frame President Trump, they’re now giving Trump’s entire life an “anal exam,” looking for ANY kind of a “crime” they can pin on him. They’ve demanded papers from 81 different people Trump may have known for more than a few minutes, and will soon be looking into his kindergarten records if they don’t find something elsewhere first. They have no “probable cause” of anything. They’re on a “fishing expedition” and will twist anything they can into some sort of a “crime.” This is going to continue right up to the time when Trump leaves office, either by losing in 2020 (not likely), or until he must leave office because he may not, by law, succeed himself in that office more than once. To pursue it, they will have spent many millions, maybe even BILLIONS of dollars of taxpayer money in their attempts to “get” Trump before he gets them. They know he’s “coming for them,” and they want to “head him off at the pass” before he can finish “draining the swamp.” (Rush Limbaugh)

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