Tuesday, March 26, 2019

It IS An Invasion!

When are the “powers that be” going to realize that we are UNDER ATTACK by illegal liens, who are being USED by people who want to destroy our border defenses? Why else are there numerous thousands of people from south of our borders clamoring for entry—AT THE SAME TIME? Who organized this onslaught? It was not done without somebody working hard and spending a lot of money to organize it. And it was done under the FICTION that it was just some people wanting to better themselves and we should welcome them. We have at least slowed down this onslaught, but they are now planning on sending another 2,500 people—all together—to test our resolve. This at a time when we have been FORCED to release some of them with nothing but a very removable “ankle monitor” because of the sheer volume of past incursions. It’s time we started treating it like the foreign invasion it is, and stop being so “friendly” to our invaders. What the hell is wrong with our politicians, that they can’t see this? I’m just an old guy, and I can see it, but I’m not in a position to do anything about it. The very number of illegal aliens coming in has put an intolerable strain on our resources, made worse by some communities giving them more services than they give American citizens. (White House)

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