Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Abortion Didn't Work

So they went for racism, and that looks like it might work, even though he is a Dumocrat. Virginia Governor Ralph Norman, made famous during his election campaign by falsely accusing his opponent of racism, and even running a TV ad showing a bunch of CHILDREN running away from a “sinister-looking” truck carrying an American Flag, which is how the liberals demonstrate racism—flying the American Flag. They even threw in a one-second photo of a female Muslim, “for effect.” The other day he was seen “approving” of a pro-abortion bill in his legislature that would allow doctors to MURDER a defenseless infant if the mother wanted them to do so, and there was not a single ripple in the media. But bring up a 30 some year-old picture of SOMEONE wearing “blackface,” standing next to someone else wearing a KKK outfit that they couldn’t even prove was him, and, LO! Everybody, including the local school janitor, was insisting on him stepping down. Then they discovered his Lt. Governor had his own problems—a 15-year old sex misconduct “accusation,” as usual, without proof. And the state’s Attorney General might end up governor. Or maybe the janitor at the statehouse. (Wall St. Journal)

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