Monday, March 4, 2019

Flailing Around, Searching

The Dumocrats are sorely stressed. Nothing they’ve done has worked. They have “shot their wad,” hoping to find something, ANYTHING they could use to derail President Trump before he ruins all their nefarious plans to “rule the world” from the swamp. Their “big thing,” the “Russian collusion” thing, fell flat, and they can’t figure out why (maybe because it’s only in their imagination?), so now they’re going to give his entire life, from birth, an anal examination. They’ve already spent more than $20 million dollars in taxpayer money, and found nothing. So now they’re going to spend more millions hunting for anything they can find, for not only the next two years, but the four years following. I wonder how much of those millions will find itself in their pockets? But that’s another story, to be examined later. As long as the money holds out, they will continue to look for something they can use to “get rid of Trump.” They are convinced that the “country” wants them to succeed, but, as usual, they’re wrong. Dumocrats only talk to other Dumocrats, so their knowledge is skewed. They think the rest of America thinks the same way they do, and, as usual, they’re WRONG. Somebody needs to say, “enough!” and cut off their “unlimited funds.” Then they’d have to face reality, that Trump is going to win. He already HAS won. (Just common sense)

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