Friday, March 29, 2019

Says Prayer Is "Offensive"

A Muslim Representative from Pennsylvania was “offended” that a fellow Rep. Would have the temerity to actually PRAY in her presence and is demanding an apology. What the hell makes her think she is OWED an apology? She would certainly not hesitate to do her own “praying” in the presence of this Christian, as Muslims do all the time. I have often seen them on their prayer rugs with their butts pointed at the sky where everybody can see. And I don’t suppose they would ever apologize to me for that. Nor would I ask them to do so. It’s not my place to be offended by the actions of members of a different religion than mine. Some Muslims seem to think they have rights nobody else has, or should have. One is the “right” to be offended at the actions of someone of a different religion. They do NOT. One time when I was working for Avis, a bunch of Muslims working for them actually went on strike to get Avis to provide them with a room in which they could pray. They also wanted special PAID time to pray five times a day. They were fired, and they should have been. I would never dream of demanding such a thing of n employer, and to strike to get it was a fireable offense. This is not something against Muslims who don’t overstep their bounds. But it does seem that more of them do than don’t. (Conservative Buzz)

Bigotry Is Stupid

All bigotry is hatred of groups because of what they are, and often what they cannot change. Racism against black people, for instance, is hatred because of the color of their skin. Something they cannot change. Hatred of American Indians, Chinese, and Japanese, is also hatred because of the color of their skin. Bigots claim that there are many parts of these people who make them a subject of hatred, such as their very cultural beliefs and actions, something that should not affect the bigots, in any way, and is none of their business. One of the greatest examples of the stupidity of racism came in one episode of Star Trek, where there was an alien who was white on one side of his body and black o the other, who hated his brother because he was black on the OTHER side. Another source of unnecessary hatred is religion. Many people hate others because they have beliefs different from theirs. That should not be. Everybody is entitled to his own religious beliefs without being bothered for it by somebody of a different religion. As long as those beliefs do not allow the interference with people of other religions. I’m not much impressed by the Muslim religion, for many reasons, including the Muslim extremists who want to kill people simply for refusing to convert to THEIR religion.

But I have no intention to interfere with Muslims because I may not agree with their beliefs and customs—unless some of them come to try and kill me—then those Muslims will cease to be. Other Muslims who do not attempt to interfere with me, I will not bother, as long as they do not bother me. However, I do not approve of allowing Muslim extremists to run for elected office, or be allowed to be appointed to any important office, because only the extremists want to go that route, and they want to interfere with the lives of all people—which is why I oppose them. Not because they’re Muslim, but because Muslim extremists want to interfere with me, and if they get into a position to make laws, they will attempt to do so. As an example of that, there are already several Muslim senators or representatives in Congress and in state governments, and one of them (maybe more) has introduced legislation to impose Sharia Law on the rest of us, even if it violates our Constitution. That cannot be allowed. The stronger these Muslim extremists get, the closer we get to becoming a “Caliphate,” which is their ultimate aim. They can’t beat us militarily, so they’re going to try to do it politically—and there are way too many ignorant people in this country who will allow it, without realizing it, until it is too late. They have a name: liberals. (Just common sense)

"Just Shoot 'Em Dead!"

That's the advice one anti-gun fool professor is giving the other anti-gun fools. James Pearce, an adjunct professor at Southern State Community College, says, "A bunch of anti-gun types (fools) should arm themselves (with the guns they hate) and attack the NRA headquarters, and leave no survivors." Meaning, kill them all. Just "arm yourself" and use that which you are against to kill the opposition so they can't make logical arguments you can't answer. That's the kind of thinking you can expect from anti-gun fools, who aren't too bright. This guy is a professor, but he isn't too bright, and is now under investigation after he said this on Facebook. Of course, Facebook didn't censor him because that's the way they think, too. When you can't answer what your opponent is saying with logic and intelligence, just call them names. This is a logical progression from that. If calling them names doesn't work (and it won't), just KILL them. Problem solved. Only it won't. It will just get THEM imprisoned, or executed for mass murder--IF they don't get killed themselves in the attempt. Now he's under investigation, he says it was a joke. But I think he was deadly serious.(Fox News Insider)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

"Ending Reign of Terror"

That’s what liberals call Trump conservatism. A “reign of terror.” But it’s only a “reign of terror” to the liberals, whose plans to fleece America are being ruined, due to his “reign of terror.” Unfortunately for them, none of the Dumocrats who said they were for AOC’s “Green New Deal” were actually for it, or they just don’t want to admit it, on the record. Maybe they just don’t want to go back to the stone age as long as they are alive—which is what would happen if her Green New Deal were ever put in place. AOC’s plan would eliminate everything that makes this century livable. Air travel, the internal combustion engine. Anything that uses oil. You would have to swim for it if you ever wanted to go to Hawaii Making life better for Americans is what the Dumocrats call a “reign of terror.” Lowering the unemployment figures to record levels and bringing back millions of jobs Obama told us were “gone forever” is a “reign of terror.” So is creating an economic boom based on reality, according to them. Everything that is good for America they describe as a “reign of terror.” That should tell you all you need to know about Dumocrats. (Clash Daily)

Abortion's NOT A Right!

And I don’t give a tinker’s Damn what the Supreme Court says about it. The Court that made this disastrous ruling was dominated by liberals, who LOVE to murder their offspring if they don’t want to bother raising the result of unprotected sex. In Vermont, they say their law just “codifies” what is common practice. So if MURDER is “common practice,” will their laws one day “codify” it? They say a fetus has no rights, and that’s morally WRONG. A fetus IS a human being the moment its heart starts beating, and DOES have rights. All the rights inherent in BEING a living human being. To KILL an unborn infant is “bloody murder.” If you don’t believe that, just go to Planned Parenthood and attend one of their murders. Oh. I forgot. They won’t let you. They know that would “turn you off” on them, AND abortion, when you see the carnage that happens there, every day. It’s not about “a woman’s right to control what happens to her own body.” If it were, prostitution would be legal. But don’t look for that to happen soon. It’s about that baby’s right to LIVE. There is no way of knowing how many potential Albert Einsteins PP has murdered. I do know they have adversely affected the birth rate in the wrong direction. It’s a tragedy. (DC Clothesline)

One Victory Destroys NRA?

The anti-gun fools have just proven (again) that they are stupid. They think ONE VICTORY has DESTROYED the NRA. They wish! They'll use ANYTHING to make themselves, and the world, think they've won completely, when all they've done is trade on panicked lawmakers who want to be seen as "doing something," even if it is futile, and wrong. It's ONE VICTORY, and it has NOT "Destroyed the NRA. The NRA is still there, and will continue to be an impediment to those who would make laws that violate the Constitution, the BASIS for ALL our laws. Such ignorance is common to ALL anti-gun fools. They must be ignorant, if they think ANY of their laws will stop, or even slow down, those who wish to do ill. They have been so advised, on many occasions, but they ignore it, and continue to make their useless, silly laws that nobody except the law-abiding (who aren't the problem) seem to obey. Their laws just make it easier for the bad guys to victimize the law-abiding. (Washington Post)

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Was Media "Played?"

For almost two years the media ran false stories libeling President Trump, and anybody who had had just a peripheral association with him. Even those who had nothing more than shake his hand, They have painted him as not only a criminal, but also a traitor to his country. All without a shred of evidence. And they were all depending on Bob Mueller to come up with a report that would make them all happy. Unfortunately for them, he did NOT. He filed a report making it official that he had found NOTHING to use against President Trump. He didn’t even spit on the sidewalk. Are they embarrassed? Will they apologize profusely to their audience for so badly misleading them? Not a chance, as “Fredo” told Giiuliani on CNN. They aren’t embarrassed. Nor are they ashamed. They HAVE no shame. That’s because they are fully “on board” with the falsehoods. They are PART OF the deception, and the deception continues, even though Mueller’s report should have ended it, but it did not. Those fools we call liberals aren’t smart enough to know when they’ve been whipped, like whipped cream. Dumocrats have promised to continue the “investigation” and spend even more than the $30 million they’ve already spent to “take Trump down.” Trump needs to cut off their money. They’d scream bloody murder, but they wouldn’t be able to spend our money on their impossible dream any longer. (Real Clear Politics)

MS-13 Gamg Killing

Dumocrats say there isn’t a problem with MS-13 gang members coming into this country illegally and bringing their “out-of-control” gang activities up from Mexico with them. But their ACTIVITIES put the lie to that. Almost daily we hear of some thuggery by MS-13 members, and one of the most recent is the open KILLING on a subway platform in Queens, a place where many of them congregate, and where the murder rate has risen precipitously in recent days, because they are there. They also poo-poo the fact that there are MANY members of numerous street gang members coming in and bringing their killing ways with them, thus making our streets resemble the daily gang warfare in Mexico City. Even though we already had some, since gang members have slipped into this country, it has intensified. Dumocrats don’t care about this, as witness their refusal to allow Trump money to build his wall which, while it isn’t a COMPLETE solution, is a very real PART of the solution. Yes, they can climb over one, or tunnel under it. But that takes time, and money, while Border Control people get a better chance to catch them at it. (New York Times)

"Time For Gun Confiscation"

At least that's what the Tampa Bay Times thinks, anyway. In spite of the fact that the Constitution, the BASIS for ALL our laws, forbids it. Whatever makes these ignorant anti-gun fools think taking guns away from LEGAL owners will stop those who buy their guns ILLEGALLY, or just STEAL them, is beyond me. But it has to be the workings of an irrational, ignorant mind. They really expect that to affect the ability of CRIMINALS to get a gun, and that's irrational. Of course, it's the same with ALL their anti-gun laws. They expect LAWBREAKERS to somehow OBEY their stupid laws, and they won't. People bound on killing a bunch of people will get their guns any way they can, and to hell with their feeble gun laws. That's the fatal flaw in all their silly, useless gun laws. They do nothing beyond making it easier for the bad guys to victimize the law-abiding, by DISARMING the law-abiding, making them "easy targets" for those who just ignore their useless gun laws. One of the more obvious useless laws is the "no-gun zone," where people are expected to leave their guns elsewhere upon entering. Law-abiding people do, while non-law-abiding people do not. In fact, they SEEK OUT gun-free zones , and avoid places where there might be some guns there to oppose them, We have that, on good authority, from the criminals, themselves. (Truth About Guns)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

It IS An Invasion!

When are the “powers that be” going to realize that we are UNDER ATTACK by illegal liens, who are being USED by people who want to destroy our border defenses? Why else are there numerous thousands of people from south of our borders clamoring for entry—AT THE SAME TIME? Who organized this onslaught? It was not done without somebody working hard and spending a lot of money to organize it. And it was done under the FICTION that it was just some people wanting to better themselves and we should welcome them. We have at least slowed down this onslaught, but they are now planning on sending another 2,500 people—all together—to test our resolve. This at a time when we have been FORCED to release some of them with nothing but a very removable “ankle monitor” because of the sheer volume of past incursions. It’s time we started treating it like the foreign invasion it is, and stop being so “friendly” to our invaders. What the hell is wrong with our politicians, that they can’t see this? I’m just an old guy, and I can see it, but I’m not in a position to do anything about it. The very number of illegal aliens coming in has put an intolerable strain on our resources, made worse by some communities giving them more services than they give American citizens. (White House)

Abortion Didn't Work

So they went for racism, and that looks like it might work, even though he is a Dumocrat. Virginia Governor Ralph Norman, made famous during his election campaign by falsely accusing his opponent of racism, and even running a TV ad showing a bunch of CHILDREN running away from a “sinister-looking” truck carrying an American Flag, which is how the liberals demonstrate racism—flying the American Flag. They even threw in a one-second photo of a female Muslim, “for effect.” The other day he was seen “approving” of a pro-abortion bill in his legislature that would allow doctors to MURDER a defenseless infant if the mother wanted them to do so, and there was not a single ripple in the media. But bring up a 30 some year-old picture of SOMEONE wearing “blackface,” standing next to someone else wearing a KKK outfit that they couldn’t even prove was him, and, LO! Everybody, including the local school janitor, was insisting on him stepping down. Then they discovered his Lt. Governor had his own problems—a 15-year old sex misconduct “accusation,” as usual, without proof. And the state’s Attorney General might end up governor. Or maybe the janitor at the statehouse. (Wall St. Journal)

"Just Shut 'Em Up!"

If you can't win the argument; if you have no true facts to support your position, and have run out of lies, just call your opposition names to shut them up. That's the direction the anti-gun fools are taking, and have always taken. That's why they say the NRA is racist, and are terrorists, and "have blood on their hands." Racist is their favorite epithet since Obama revived its popularity among liberals as a means of not having to argue on the facts, in any debate. They think if they can make their opponents look bad enough, they can win the argument in spite of having no facts on their side. Liberals have always used that ploy when they just can't come up with a cogent argument to blunt criticism (which is usually every time). And most anti-gun fools are liberals. It has been said (by Rush Limbaugh, I think) that a political argument involving a liberal will last about 30 seconds before they start calling you names. Listen carefully in any debate with a liberal and you will notice this, in action. Arguing with a liberal is pointless. His positions are always against logic and reason, but he will feel very strongly about his false positions. Hence the insults. (The Hill)

Monday, March 25, 2019

They Couldn't Prove It!

Dumocrats spent almost two years and$35 million of YOUR dollars in hopes of finding evidence that President Trump conspired with the Russians to win the election, looking under every rock and in every crevice, but found NOTHING. Will they now stop beating this dead horse? Not a chance. They plan on continuing this “witch hunt” until they can find SOMEONE they can threaten into saying something they can use as “evidence” against President Trump. They tried many times, with many people, and only succeeded once in using threats of imprisonment to get someone to LIE about President Trump. They did it by threatening to sentence a man’s WIFE to a long prison term if he refused to LIE about Trump. This is one of the worst times in our political history when Mueller hired 13 “Trump haters” as “prosecutors” to “get Trump,” and they couldn’t do it, no mater how many dirty tricks they used. (Just common sense)

Broke My BS Meter!

CNN’s answer to the question of how they managed to have the only cameras present when Mueller’s “Jack-booted thugs” made their predawn raid on the home of Roger Stone was, “We used ‘journalist ingenuity’ and we thought arresting Stone was the next step, so we wanted to be there.” Bull Droppings! It is the most obvious thing to those of us with intelligence that Mueller’s team “tipped CNN off” that the arrest was imminent. They can deny it to their dying day, but they’ll never get anyone with any degree of intelligence to believe it. The whole thing was “set up” to make Stone look like your usual criminal, who might have met the FBI with guns blazing, so they needed their 29 man, automatic wepons armed, with bullet-proof vests raid, to be safe. More bull droppings! All they would need is a polite knock on his door during normal business hours, and ask him to appear. He would do so. They didn’t need to raid him at dawn, holding automatic weapons on he and his hearing-challenged wife, forcing her outside in her night gown, in bare feet. It was an unreasonable excess, and there is no denying it. They’re fools if they try. (Zero Hedge)


Gabby Giffords publishes a list of states and their gun laws, rating them. Her A+ rating goes to the states that have enacted the most of the anti-gun fool laws. And her A+ states listed have had an INCREASE of 278% REAL gun deaths, not the ones "cherry picked" by Giffords. Of course, DC would be an A+ "state" if she had included it. But she "curiously" did not. Maybe because of their very high REAL gun death figures? This list is typical of the "smoke and mirrors" used by all anti-gun fools, who try and improve their position with miscalculated figures and LIES. It is yet another illustration of why you can't depend on them to publish REAL figures. It's really funny how easy it is to debunk the figures put out by various anti-gun fools. They try so hard and have so little, yet they persevere. They lie, publish phony figures, and prove, again and again, that they just want to disarm all Americans (except the criminals) for their own purposes. This in spite of the unalterable FACT that the Constitution GUARANTEES our right to be armed for self defense. (Gun Facts)

Friday, March 22, 2019

Democrat Impossible Dream

Somebody needs to force politicians to learn something about economics before they’re allowed to run for an office that allows them to get laws made that will BANKRUPT this country. So far, almost all Dumocrat presidential candidates want some form of socialism, like “universal minimum pay,” whether they work, or not. Dumocrat presidential candidate (among many) Andrew Yang (who?) wants to give “every American” $1,000 a month minimum. Where he figures to get this money is in doubt, because who would be working if they got paid NOT to work? You gotta steal it from somebody, and with EVERYBODY getting $1,000 a month, nobody would be working. Thus, there would be NO MONEY to support this. This is an economic FACT that they ignore. There is NO WAY this can work, but they refuse to admit it. It’s like most of their dreams. Many of them want to pay the tuition for every student to go to college. Again, where is the money going to come from? They don’t know. So they deflect any questions asked about that. (Story Warrant)

"Believe the Woman!"

Dumocrats and other liberals say, “Always believe the woman” when she makes an accusation of sexual impropriety. But why should we, without proof? Almost every recent accusation I have seen contains NO PROOF, but are often accepted as “Gospel.” Mostly when they are made against Republicans. But when made against a Dumocrat, proof is demanded. The fact that women regularly use accusations of sexual impropriety, both as threats, and as actual accusations designed to “bring down” important people seems lost in the noise. Such a phony accusation almost stopped the approval of Congress of the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I say “phony” because this accuser could not even say for sure it WAS Kavanaugh who abused her. She wasn’t sure of ANYTHING that night because she was “so fuzzy.” But she was “absolutely sure” it was Kavanaugh. Her accusations were rightly not believed, nor were those of the other women who “piled on,” trying to derail Kavanaugh’s appointment. The fact is, women DO lie about sexual attacks, and when they do so it makes it harder for a woman who has really suffered a sexual attack to be believed. I’m not saying they should always not be believed, I’m just saying the accusation is NOT proof by itself. Women will criticize me for this, but somebody has to say it. (CNN)

Guns and Race

Like any good liberal, Shannon Watts makes a racial slur in her rebuke to a Jewish woman threatened by some Neo-Nazis, thus introducing race into her "argument." The woman got a gun for self protection after a bunch of Neo-Nazis published her home address on their web site, thus painting a "target” on her back. Shannon, a "top anti-gun fool" financed, through cutouts, by Geroge Soros, told her in a Tweet, that her wishing to be protected was because she was "white." The situation, of course, has nothing to do with race, but not to liberals, including Watts. The cops think driving by her house once in a while will protect her, but that kind of "protection" is so easily avoided by "bad guys," it's silly. Getting a gun to defend herself is a much better plan. It is this kind of stupidity that makes a fool out of Watts and other liberals on a regular basis. Liberals are trying HARD to get a race war started, and the "Black Lives Matter" fools are cooperating. I guess they like the idea of killing more white folks. (Twitter)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

CNN Gets "Journalism Award"

The “liberal fake news factories” hate it when President Trump calls them out for it. So they get together and give each other awards for “great journalism.” Just after that many-times botched “investigation” into the Parkland School Shooting in Ft. Lauderdale that cost the sitting sheriff his job for incompetence, CNN hosted a “Two Minute’s Hate” gathering, where students were told to “scream at Republicans” and all gun supporters, and blame the NRA for that shooting, because they stand up for our constitutional right to be armed for self defense from all those “unregulated” ILLEGAL guns out there in the hands of the bad guys. This is “journalistic excellence?” Not a chance. But other fake news factories sponsor such awards so they can point to them when Trump “calls them out” on their constant fake news. I expect CNN will respond with an award of their own for one of the other “fake news factories.” Parkland was “investigated” in the most incompetent way possible, while failures in the sheriff’s handling of the shooter’s previous obvious bad behavior were ignored, while he planned, got his guns, and carried them out. I have to warn you, the linked article carries some bad language. Language I wish I could use to describe how this mass shooting was handled. If you feel that will abuse you, don't read it. (Gun Free Zone)

"Piles of Dead Babies"

That’s what the Dumocrats stand for, today. They’re “reveling” in their newfound power and they don’t think they can do ANYTHING and still get elected. That’s mostly because they are so good at stealing close elections, but that’s another story. But their recent actions in New York and Virginia reveal them for what they are: baby killers. And that is so disgusting to intelligent people there will be fewer close elections to them to steal. So there will be fewer Dumocrats in office in the future, and this will spell DOOM for their party. Yet they don’t see it. They think what they promote is supported by the rest of the nation, and it is NOT. They listen only to other liberals, and never hear the opinions of others. In fact, they go out of their way to AVOID hearing opposing opinions. Their “mind-numbed robots” in universities RIOT to keep people from hearing opposing opinions. Liberal snowflakes create “safe rooms” where they can go and not hear opposing opinions. And they support what has become our holocaust. They have MURDERED millions of helpless infants, to the point where the population has to “go down” because of the reduction in births. The “Population Bomb” dunces are seeing their dreams come true. We are KILLING what might be our “best and brightest” and they think that’s “peachy keen.” How many potential Einsteins have they murdered? It will be the DEATH of their party, and they will go the way of the Whigs—into the “dustbin of history.” (Town Hall)

"We Are the Experts"

That's what Parkland High School student survivor of the Broward County school killings David Hogg said, while "dumping on" the NRA. Where in hell this fool got that notion, I don't know. I guess hiding in a closet while dodging bullets makes him an expert on gun control--or something. But the NRA is NOT responsible, just because they stand up for our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to be armed for self defense. In any case, nothing that came out of his mouth--or from the mouth of Bill Maher made any sense at all, concerning gun control. Both were completely clueless on the subject. I feel sorry for those kids. That had to be a life-changing experience. But it does NOT make you an expert on gun control or anything else. Neither are the anti-gun fools "experts" on the subject, since everything they do does NOTHING to stop, or even slow down what they call "gun violence," but what I simply call "violence." It would be no kind of violence without the participation of damned fool killers, most of whom are insane. What Hogg is feeling is the arrogance of ALL anti-gun fools, instilled in them by other anti-gun fools. Their very "campaign" is paid for, lock, stock, and barrel by anti-gun fools, who are financed by billionaire meddler George Soros. They are being USED, and they don't know it. (The Blaze)

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Our Politicians Are Stupid

What the hell are they THINKING, to release the “American Taliban,” John Walker Lindh, from prison, and sending him to Ireland, where he swears he will live, away from the Taliban. If you believe that, I have a bridge I Brooklyn I want to sell you, cheap. This guy “renounced his citizenship” (whether or not he knew it) by joining the terrorists and killing Americans in the “name of Allah,” something stupid that many extreme Muslims do. For that, he should have, at the very least, been imprisoned for the rest of his miserable life. This guy should never, ever, be able to see the outdoors without some bars between him and it. At best, he should have been sentenced to death by firing squad. But NO! Our politicians have let him be released “on good behavior,” from prison and allowed to go outside the jurisdiction of the United States, so he could ultimately end up back with the Taliban, killing more people. Just like that, our politicians have made it easier for the Muslim extremists to win, in the end, because of our own stupidity. Former Russian Premier Khrushchev (he of the shoe beating on the table) said we would “give him our country” through our own stupidity. He couldn’t back that up, but his fool might just be able to help the terrorists do just that. (Counter Extremism Project)

Get OFF It, Aleady!

Okay; there’s a story there if the governor of Virginia ever appeared in blackface and allowed himself to be photographed that way, way back in his school days. Okay. It was reported, and he denied it after he admitted it. But now I have to ask, is it worth an ENTIRE DAY (or more) of discussion on cable news? Previous to that, this same governor APPROVED of legislation in his state allowing a doctor to KILL a helpless infant AS it is being born, and this story about him being in that picture has “taken over” cable news for MORE than a day. They’re OBSESSING over something that need not be a major story, as they often do. I’m getting to where I am very tired of even hearing about it. Is it true? I have no idea. All I know is that many southern politicians were racists, back in the day. It was as “natural as breathing’ to them then.

 Andrew Jackson, the FOUNDER of the Dumocrat Party, was a racist, as were many others we (not me) revere today. Senator Robert Byrd, whose name appears everywhere in West Virginia, was a “Grand Kleagle” in the KKK, and spoke in favor of the Klan throughout his spotted career in politics. He was also a Dumocrat. Yet the Dumocrats are today the biggest denouncers of racism, even though their own ranks are riddled with racists. They CREATED the KKK! Being pictured in blackface or in a phony KKK uniform way back when does not necessarily mean racism, today. But even if he was, is it worth several DAYS of comment and discussion on cable TV? No. You’d think this governor’s approval of infanticide would get more discussion, but it seemingly disappeared when the blackface picture was found. That’s stupid. But that’s politics, AND cable news, today. And this piddling story might accomplish what approving of infanticide didn’t even suggest. This governor’s loss of his job. (WTOP)

Double Standard On Guns

In the village of Sherwood HIlls, Wisconsin, a "concerned parent" walked into a school and handed a teacher a piece of cardboard with the word, "gun" on it, to demonstrate the weakness of the school's security, hoping to make schools safer for his children. The school didn't appreciate that, and called the cops, who arrested him. For having a piece of paper with the word “gun” on it! He threatened no one in his little protest, and did NOT "hinder teaching," in any way. It was a simple demonstration, and not even a disrupting one. But they arrested him, anyway. Meanwhile, thousands of "frightened" students go all over the place, from Tallahassee to DC, to protest and "show their support for gun control," PAID FOR by anti-gun fools, who are themselves paid for by a billionaire money-man, George Soros. And nothing is done to arrest any of them, while some of their demonstrations ARE disruptive. This is typical. With Dumocrats controlling things in most areas of our lives, they make it as difficult as possible to demonstrate against THEIR policies, while doing everything they can to inhibit opposition. And liberal judges support them. (Truth About Guns)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Criminal Offense

How do “election officials” (Dumocrats) get away with allowing illegal aliens to vote in important elections? Because currently there is not any PUNISHMENT prescribed for breaking that law, and punishment is the only thing politicians will allow to deter them from doing what they want, even if it’s illegal. There should be a law made to PUNISH those who allow illegal alien votes to count in an election. But that will probably never happen because the very people who would have to vote that in are the ones who are the worst violators. I hear often that thousands of illegal votes are counted in many elections, but those votes are never discounted. So what the hell GOOD is that law? There are other things I hear about “after the fact,” that never seem to affect the outcome. Nor is anybody ever punished for these crimes. This is one oversight by the Founders; thinking that politicians can be controlled simply by embarrassment. Politicians just don’t care about being embarrassed, if they can get their wishes made into law. They have no shame. (Flag and Cross)

"Right-Wing Talking Points"

That’s what liberals call it when we “have the goods” on them and they don’t like it. That’s their way of attempting to discredit what we are saying. It’s what they’re saying about the president’s comment about the overuse of force represented by that 29-agent force, carrying automatic weapons (whatever type), banging on Roger Stone’s door in the dead of night, forcing his hearing-challenged wife to come outside in the winter in her bare feet, wearing only a night gown, treating one of the richest and gentlest men in the country like a “drug kingpin” in Mexico to “arrest him” for a couple of minor “process violations” they can’t prove. It’s an “intimidation factor” designed to get him to testify to something that did not happen. A desperate attempt to legitimize that “witch hunt” they’ve been conducting at taxpayer’s expense for the last two years. Roger Stone is NOT a gun owner and would not likely meet them with a gun if they just came to his door during the day, and ASKED him to come in. There was no reason for such a raid, and it WAS excessive, even if Trump’s enemies describe his complaints as simply “right-wing talking points.” This is the second time Mueller has used such an excess, and he should be constrained from it. Now they’re using a misprint in a presidential quote to make him look like a fool who thinks there is such a gun as an AK 27. It’s disgusting. (The Daily Dot)