Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Why's Socialism Popular?

Everybody with any intelligence at all, and any experience at life is asking, “Why has socialism become so popular?” It’s instructive to note that it’s only popular among youngsters not old enough to remember the bad things about socialism that was revealed graphically by the COLLAPSE of the Soviet Union and the riots and unrest in Venezuela. Truth is, socialism, in its many forms, under its many names, has failed everywhere it has been tried, it is set to fail. Its promoters say the reason for those failures is that it was “not done properly.” Which is a load of bullsh-t. There IS no “proper” way to do socialism. Socialism relies on STEALING the fruits of real production for the benefit of those who produce nothing at all. Socialism produces nothing, and only derived that which it gives away, from those who do produce new wealth. Today’s youngsters, who think they know so much, have not been alive long enough to recognize the real societal threat represented by socialism. There are many good examples of the failure of socialism, but they ignore them in their zeal. Socialist promoters rely on this ignorance, and “feed on it.” (Just common sense)

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