Monday, July 27, 2020

It's the KKK Again!

The Dumbocrats don’t want you to know it, but they were the people behind the Ku Klux Klan. Many of the best known liberal (Dumbocrat) politicians were actually high-ranking members, most secretly. They rode rough-shod over the countryside, hanging blacks and people who favored blacks. Dumbocrats were the very reason why anti-black policies like separate drinking fountains for blacks were “the law,” as was forcing blacks to sit in the back of the bus and not being served, along with whites, in restaurants. Today, the “worm has turned.” Due to their overreaction, black people now are in a position to dictate policy like never before. In fact, at least one black man who almost lost his life in the Selma demonstrations has served for more then 30 years in Congress before his recent death. There are numerous black mayors and other office holders, in the south, where at one tie it would have been unheard of. Today, the targets are not blacks. They are anybody who does not “toe the liberal line.” And the new KKK is ANTIFA. The cowardly thugs who dress up all in black and wear masks, as they go out and beat up conservatives, sometimes even killing them. And, as with the KKK, ANTIFA is a Dumbocrat construct, designed to inhibit opposition to Dumbocrat policies. Of course, they deny it, but a look at what ANTIFA supports tells the tale. (The Blaze)

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