Friday, July 17, 2020

Insisting On Stupidity

That’s the only way they will ever establish a lie as the truth. By banning anybody who tells you otherwise. Biologically, there are only TWO SEXES. They are not “assigned at birth,” they are “DISCOVERED at birth” by observing which one of only TWO sex organs the baby has. There is no other sex organ possible for a baby to have. Denver Post columnist John Caldera said otherwise in a column, and got fired for it. That’s the only way the left has to push their silly “flights of fancy.” Insist people say things that are untrue or get fired. That’s how they have promoted the silly idea that man can change the climate. They insist people spout lies or get punished for it. They have even been so bold as to suggest that LAWS be made to make disagreeing with that global warming/climate change farce a CRIMINAL offense, subject to fines, and even jail time. How long will it be before they make believing there are only two sexes into a criminal offense? (Legal Insurrection)

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