Thursday, July 23, 2020

"Statue of Liberty PLay"

They did it in the past when they tried valiantly to stop the approval of an honest justice to the supreme court. They had one woman who was willing to lie to please her Dumocrat “handlers,” and when that didn’t seem to be working, they suddenly “found” another equally unbelievable woman to lie for them. But that didn’t work either, and their “victim” became the latest honest Supreme Court justice. Now they’re trying to impeach a president, against whom they could NOT find evidence of any kind of a “Crime” so suddenly they “found” some fool who had only stood behind President Trump once during a photo shoot, and whom Trump didn’t know to “swear” that “Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to get Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden’s illegal activities. Patent LIE and unprovable, in either direction. This is one of their regular scams. When their first “witness” is not being believed, they suddenly “find” another one, hoping this one will do the trick. It’s a transparent scam, but they keep using it because it sometimes works for them. (Twitter)

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