Monday, July 27, 2020
It's the KKK Again!
The Dumbocrats don’t want you to know it, but they were the people
behind the Ku Klux Klan. Many of the best known liberal (Dumbocrat)
politicians were actually high-ranking members, most secretly. They
rode rough-shod over the countryside, hanging blacks and people who
favored blacks. Dumbocrats were the very reason why anti-black
policies like separate drinking fountains for blacks were “the
law,” as was forcing blacks to sit in the back of the bus and not
being served, along with whites, in restaurants. Today, the “worm
has turned.” Due to their overreaction, black people now are in a
position to dictate policy like never before. In fact, at least one
black man who almost lost his life in the Selma demonstrations has
served for more then 30 years in Congress before his recent death.
There are numerous black mayors and other office holders, in the
south, where at one tie it would have been unheard of. Today,
the targets are not blacks. They are anybody who does not “toe the
liberal line.” And the new KKK is ANTIFA. The cowardly thugs who
dress up all in black and wear masks, as they go out and beat up
conservatives, sometimes even killing them. And, as with the KKK,
ANTIFA is a Dumbocrat construct, designed to inhibit opposition to
Dumbocrat policies. Of course, they deny it, but a look at what
ANTIFA supports tells the tale. (The Blaze)
Trump's Still President
Some people now think Trump is no longer president. He’s been
impeached! But that shows how little many people know about the way
thing work. You have to tell them that removing a president from
office comes in two phases. The first is in the House; the
impeachment. That is just an ACCUSATION of wrongdoing, and is
political, not judicial. Politicians
have to vote impeachment in.
The second is when the Senate then take it up, and PROSECUTES it. If
they convict, THEN, and ONLY then, he is removed from office.
What most people just don’t understand
is that
impeachment is NOT JUDICIAL. It’s political. Else, how can Donald
Trump be impeached without a single Republican vote to impeach?
Without a single
even being mentioned? Even though the politicians went on TV daily
and CLAIMED many scurrilous crimes, none of which somehow got into
the “articles of impeachment.”
because, in spite of the crimes shouted to the skies, they could
find NO PROOF of ANY CRIME. So they made a couple up, and “charged”
him with them. But
they still have to PROVE them in the Senate, and they can’t do
that. They know that, which is why Nancy dragged her feet on presenting them to the Senate, because she knew that,
when she did, the scam was “all over.” She’d LOST. And the
whole world will know that. She had “shot her bolt,” and there’s
nothing left. But she and her cohorts will make something up again,
spend a few million taxpayer dollars in an effort to convince the
voters it’s real—until they again “get to the end,” and they
have to make up yet something else—or Trump dies of old age after
doing his allotted eight years in office. (Just common sense)
Jews: "Never Again!"
During the Second World War, the Jewish community refused to be
armed. They didn’t like the very idea of being armed for self
defense, and that cost them 6 million Jewish lives. In New York City,
after multiple hate-filled attacks on Jews, they are now attempting
to arm themselves so it won’t happen again. But I predict that the
liberals running things there will react the way they usually do, and
put a stop to the massive movement by Jews to become armed in order
to defend themselves from hate attacks. They will stop Jews from
getting “carry permits,” so the Jew-haters can kill and maim
them, at will. In Fort Worth, Texas, after a civilian put down a
would-be mass killer in his church, the liberals in the government
reacted swiftly to make sure civilians will not be LEGALLY armed in
any church in Texas. I know, I know, that’s stupid, but that’s
how liberals react when somebody is able to prevent a tragedy with a
legal gun. make a law to keep legal guns out of there. (Washington Examiner)
Friday, July 24, 2020
Empowering Criminals
That’s what all those wimpy liberal (Dumbocrat) city politicians
are doing when they refuse to accept help from the feds in
controlling their street crime while doing everything in their power
to STOP the cops from being able to effectively do their jobs.
Chicago Mayor Lightbrain says, “We’re doing all we can to stop
gun crime in Chicago.” But “doing all they can” is doing all
the WRONG THINGS, making it easier for the lawbreakers to victimize
honest people. I watch that popular cop show, “Chicago PD,” and
have to laugh. If Chicago cops really did all the things they do on
that show, the liberal wimp politicians would have them all in
prison, being murdered by the very criminals they put there. Whenever
a gun is used to victimize somebody, nothing is ever said about
whether or not the gun involved was legally obtained by the shooter.
They always assume it was, when it wasn’t. Almost ALL guns used in
crimes were obtained
ILLEGALLY, but they do not tell us that. They
just do al they can to eliminate LEGAL guns, making it easier for the
CRIMINALS to victimize the law-abiding. (Just common sense)
Stupid Or What?
I just can’t understand politicians who call for gun confiscation,
even though they have to know that is in violation of the
Constitution, to which ALL LAWS must conform, or they are not laws,
at all. Yet they continue to promise to do it. In the State of
Virginia, many sheriffs have promised not to enforce their new
laws because they ARE unconstitutional. So now the governor is
“looking at” using the National Guard to enforce “the laws.”
He says, they are LAW, so will be enforced. But they aren’t. They
do not conform to the Constitution, so are not laws, at all, even
though damned fool politicians think they are, and try to enforce
them. Then there is “Posse Comitatus.” The prohibition on using
the military as police. They will argue that the National Guard is
not the army, so it can be used. But that’s only a debatable
question. A soldier is a soldier, and is NOT a cop. He/she is not
trained as a cop, and so doesn’t understand
the subtleties
of BEING a cop, vs. being a soldier. Soldiers are used to “breaking
things and hurting people” to gain their objectives. But that is
not how you “police.” All
this arises from the mistake the founders made in not providing
punishment for lawmakers who made laws that violated the
Constitution. So they figure, “Why not? They can’t punish me for
making that law, they can only throw it out.” AFTER it has been
enforced for way, too long, and the damage done. That was a major
flaw in the writing of the Constitution, and ought to be “fixed.”
(Just common sense)
Serial Killer Is Free
This “serial killer” has killed more people than any other known
serial killer down through history. But instead of being arrested and
convicted of murder for his crimes, he just lost his job and was paid
$62 million dollars in a “golden parachute.” The serial killer to
which I refer is Dennis Muilenburg, former CEO of Boeing. This evil
man KNEW his airplanes were faulty, and liable to kill many people,
but he kept
making them and pressuring inspectors
to keep them flying. All tolled, that was responsible for the grisly
deaths of 346
innocent people. A total that would have made “General” Soleimani
proud. That makes him a serial killer in my book, and he SHOULD have
been subject to prosecution and imprisonment for the rest of his
miserable life. Instead, he gets to retire to a South Seas Island if
he wishes, and spend the rest of his life drinking Mai Tais on a
beach somewhere. With his “golden parachute” payout, he will have
plenty of money. They tell us he “will have to live with those
deaths the rest of his life.” But I suspect he doesn’t give
enough of a damn about them for that to bother him (Conservative and Free)
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Progressivism IS Socialism!
Every time I turn around, they’re giving socialism (collectivism,
communism, etc.) a new name in order to confuse us as to what it is.
That’s the only way the collectivism sellers can sell collectivism:
by lying to us as to its nature. That’s because it is only
for one group of people:
those who want to live at the expense of others instead of having to
work and earn for
On the other side are those who ARE willing
to work and earn for themselves and collectivism LOOTS those people,
taking a “share” of what they EARN, and giving it, UNEARNED, to
those freeloaders. They
always sell it on the basis of paying for goods and services FOR you,
without ever mentioning where the money must come from. And SOMEBODY
has to pay for it, if you don’t. Communism is but one form of
collectivism, and is the most restrictive. It led to the destruction
of the Russian economy, led to the deaths of millions, and is doing
the same to other countries that have adopted it. Most notably today,
Venezuela. Where it is in its “death throes,”and people are
fighting and killing each other to find toilet paper, which, among
everything else, in short supply. Since
it produces nothing, it MUST fail eventually, when they run out of
other people’s money. Collectivism
creates NO WEALTH, and only sucks
off those who can, and will produce it. Cuba
is one country that has adopted collectivism, and a once thriving
community is suffering under a system that has caused the average age
of automobiles there (for all but the top “officials”) to be in
the fifties. People, except for the top officials, can no longer
afford to buy newer cars because of the depleted economy. (Just
common sense)
In Spite of Obstacles
Donald Trump is used to people throwing obstacles in his path and
still being able to attain his goals. So it doesn’t really bother
him that Dumocrats oppose
his every move, while he attains every goal he sets for himself. He
announced his intent to run for the presidency and Dumocrats scoffed.
“He doesn’t have a chance!” they said, and went on with their
effort to elect Hillary if they had to cheat to do it. So now Trump
is president, and they determined to place every “roadblock” they
could in his way. But Trump is used to that, and he “rolled right
over them” and created the best economy this nation has seen in
decades. The Obama economy was the WORST in history. So bad, he even
had to excuse his incompetence by telling us it was “the new
normal.” That a good economy was a thing of the past, and wouldn’t
be back. So in Trump’s first year as president, it came back, with
a ROAR. Obama said those millions of jobs that went overseas under
his administration would never come back. That this too, was “the
new normal.” So they came back. Now
employers are having trouble finding people to hire because those who
want a job, have one.
He brought people to the negotiating table we never thought would
come. Some came to an agreement with us, and others did not. He’s
still working on those, and I fully expect him to win. Dumocrats have
tried their best to undermine his presidency, at the risk of
destroying this country—and they have failed, miserably. They tried
impeaching him, and couldn’t
even get that right. Of
course, there was no reason TO impeach him. But that didn’t stop
them from trying. They know he will win in 2020, and they hate that.
They will keep sniping at him and “biting at his ankles” while he
continues to make them look the fools they are. “The Swamp” will
verily be “drained” by the end of his second term. (Just common
"Statue of Liberty PLay"
They did it in the past
when they tried valiantly to stop the approval of an honest justice
to the supreme court. They had one woman who was willing to lie to
please her Dumocrat “handlers,” and when that didn’t seem to be
working, they suddenly “found” another equally unbelievable woman
to lie for them. But that didn’t work either, and their “victim”
became the latest honest Supreme Court justice. Now they’re trying
to impeach
a president, against whom they could NOT find evidence of any kind of
a “Crime” so suddenly they “found” some fool who had only
stood behind President Trump once during a photo shoot, and
whom Trump didn’t know to “swear” that “Trump knew exactly
what he was doing when he tried to get Ukraine to investigate Hunter
Biden’s illegal activities. Patent LIE and unprovable, in either
direction. This is one of their regular scams. When their first
“witness” is not being believed, they suddenly “find” another
one, hoping this one will do the trick. It’s
a transparent scam, but they keep using it because it sometimes works
for them. (Twitter)
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Reason to Use Goya
If there’s a good reason for every person of intelligence to use
Goya’s products, it is this: the liberals will hate you for it.
Frankly, I have never heard of Goya’s products before, but I have
now, and I will be searching them out to buy them. And I recommend
every intelligent person in the universe do so also. The
left would like nothing better than to arrest, and convict Goya’s
CEO of a crime for praising President Trump. Which is a terminally
stupid response,
and has no place in politics. Someone’s personal opinion is
and should not be a reason for a boycott. That’s what
the First Amendment is all about. The left is free to grouse about
him praising Trump, but nothing more. I have an opinion. They have an
opinion. Both opinions are “allowed.” I have no more right to
call for a boycott of anybody because I don’t like their politics
than does anybody else. And it’s about time
the left finds that out. Then
they won’t keep making themselves look as
they are by
demanding Trump supporters be “reported,” as if supporting Trump
were some sort
of crime. If it is, I’m guilty. Do you hear me left, I’m GUILTY
of supporting Trump! So do your damndest. (American Thinker)
Using the Left's Playbook
And it is making them dirty their
drawers. They sponsored
“sanctuary cities” all over the country where liberal city
governments declared themselves “above the law” and would not
help ICE in their lawful efforts to enforce immigration law. They
said it was okay to refuse to follow the law. Then pro-gun people
declared “gun sanctuary cities (and counties) where they would not
enforce those UNCONSTITUTIONAL gun confiscation laws, and anti-gun
fools lost their minds. The Virginia AG even came right out and
“ruled” that they MUST obey those laws, because it “is the
law.” But it isn’t. If ANY LAW violates the Constitution, it is
NO LAW, no matter if it is written down and voted on by a
legislature. It is not worth the paper it it written on. You
just can’t make unconstitutional laws and insist they be enforced,
even if you think you can. And there is another factor. The American
citizen is used to being able to arm himself against law-breakers
and, if they succeed in taking away all legal guns, there will be a
revolution. The British tried it, and the revolution that created
this great nation ensued. If our politicians think they can disarm
this nation’s citizens without consequences, they are sorely
mistaken. And if there is such a revolution, I will be in the
forefront of its supporters. (Bearing Arms)
"Tool of Oppression"
I’m not one of your religious fanatics, but I recognize that there
some “good words” of logic in the Bible. One of those is
contained in Jeremiah 6:23 where they talk about “removing the bows
and spears” from the people while the “Chaldeans will be mounted
on horseback bearing swords.” In other words, if you want to
subjugate a people, take away their means to defend themselves
against not only the average criminal, but also those wearing badges
or shouting, “federal agent!” It means if you have no guns today,
you cannot defend yourself against anybody, especially not
“government agents,” come to subjugate you. So
any politician wanting to take your guns is a would-be despot, out to
subjugate you.
That means you must vote AGAINST any politician whose stated
objective is to take away your guns lest he subjugate you. They tell
you their purpose in “getting rid of guns” (except theirs, of
course) is to “protect you.” But it does not. The millions of
ILLEGAL guns out there proves that. What it does do is make YOU
defenseless. Period. Against the illegal guns and the legal ones in
the hands of “government agents.” (NOQ Report)
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
"To Hell In A Handbasket!"
That’s where this country is going, and it is Dumbocrat politicians
who are allowing it. In NYC DiBlasio is letting criminals go while
further limiting the ability of HONEST people to have guns with which
to defend themselves against the plague of crime that’s coming.
Murder is up more than 200% in NYC and he spends thousands of dollars
to spitefully paint “Black Lives Matter” on the street in front
of the president’s NYC headquarters. In another place permission
for a patriotic mural is refused while permission is granted for
“Black Lives Matter” mural. The drumbeat to “defund the police”
or “disband the police” altogether is gaining strength among the
criminals and Islamic terrorists who would benefit most from it. They
see a possibility it may hap lpen
and they will be “turned loose” to victimize the law-abiding. The
law breakers never have a minute’s
trouble getting their hands on the guns they use to plague us, while
honest people, if they continue to obey the laws, do NOT, and are
thus unarmed and defenseless when the law breakers come to victimize
them. (Just common sense)
Illinois Schools Not So Smart
They have posted signs prohibiting guns.
Those signs might as well say, ‘No Guns Here.” We’re
defenseless. Come in and kill us.” How such continually ignorant
people get jobs that allow them to do this, I don’t know. Maybe the
people who hire them are just as ignorant. It has become obvious to
all who can THINK to know that signs and laws banning guns are just
INVITATIONS to the “bad guys,” but they keep on doing it while
people die all around them. ALL “no gun zones” are an invitation,
but you’ll never convince these fools of that. The same kind of
people have been railing against guns or a hundred years and they
haven’t learned a thing. (My Suburban Life)
Discovering the Truth
CBS accidentally discovered the truth about gun control in a recent
article. They asked a typical “street person” where he got his
gun, and he answered, “On the street. People sell them.” Which
tells us exactly why the “gun problem” is so hard to solve. Those
trying haven't the slightest idea in the world, HOW to solve it—yet
they keep making USELESS laws that do NOTHING to stop, or even slow
down the problem. CBS says, “The problem is the gun,” Which
reveals their perfect IGNORANCE about guns. The PROBLEM is NOT the
gun. It is the PERSON who ignores laws and still gets his gun,
ILLEGALLY. Something they can't seem to do anything much about. An
ADMITTED FELON said that “getting guns is easy.” Just buy them
illegally. It's NOT the fault of the gun. Without the people holding
it, pointing it, and shooting it, it is just an inanimate object.
Like an ash tray. Is an ash tray “the problem” in smoking? Not if
you have any INTELLIGENCE at all. The same is true with guns. But the
anti-gun fools will never learn that. (Bearing Arms)
Monday, July 20, 2020
Is It Any Wonder?
The Black Lives Matter movement is making a big thing about the cops
shooting blacks. Whenever a cop shoots a black man (or woman) they
stage a “demonstration,” That
usually ends up in a riot and lots of vandalism, property
destruction, and even murder.
They do
even if that black man was armed, and shooting a the cops at the
time. And whenever it is inconclusive, they automatically assume the
black man was not armed. Meanwhile, they say nothing, do nothing,
when a cop is gunned down, from ambush. That, they don’t care
about. Even
in cases where it is obvious the lack man was shooting at cops and
needed to be shot to keep him from killing them, they blame the cops
and make a big thing out of it, thereby destroying any believability
they may have had. This, of course, ignores the fact that thugs try
and kill cops way more often than do cops shoot thugs. They ignore
that, too. They even deny it in the face of sure evidence to the
contrary. Then there’s the fact that black men kill each other way
more than do cops kill black men. It’s all a thinly disguised
scheme to con the world into crippling the police so the criminals
can take over, and the liberal politicians are cooperating with them
fully. Which is the only reason the “disband the cops” movement
is gaining ground, and it has to be stopped, by “wiser heads.”
(Just common sense)
Should Happen More Often
In Portland, Oregon, an ANTIFA thug jerked a car door open, planning
on beating somebody up—and got himself beat up, instead. Somehow I
don’t think he planned
it that way. The car driver jumped out and started beating on him,
and all his friends fled, like the cowards they were who thought
they were
so tough when they had the numbers. This kind of thing needs to
happen more often. The ANTIFA thugs attack someone and get beat up,
themselves. What I’m afraid of is that some time they’ll attack
somebody, thinking they have it all their own way and will get one or
more of their number shot and killed. That’s what it is
approaching. You start committing violence and, one day, you’re
going to suffer for it. What frightens me is thinking there will be
one of the ANTIFA thugs who is armed, and will kill that driver in
response—and the liberal politicians will support him (or her) and
go after the guy who was simply defending himself, as that crooked DA
in St. Louis did when a homeowner used an AR-15 to defend his home
and family. The
“ANTIFA movement is a Dumbocrat construct. A bunch of leftist thugs
sponsored and financed by the Dumbocrats, to punish people who
disagree with them, and their silly ideas. (The Blaze)
Northam Has No Clue
He actually thinks he “saved the state” from an “emergency
situation” with his “declaration of an emergency” before the
big gun gathering. Fact is, the only “emergency” there was in
Northam’s head. Any emergency there was in that meeting, he
CREATED. It’s in his imagination. Yes, a lot of people would like
to shoot him. But they’re mostly responsible people, so he won’t
be “dodging bullets” any time soon. But I can’t guarantee
anything if he is able to actually take guns away from people in
violation of the law and the Constitution. Which is exactly what he
plans on doing. He’s going to “regulate” guns (the legal ones)
out of existence in his state, in violation of the Second Amendment
to the Constitution, to which ALL LAWS must conform, and which none
of his do. If he manages to do that, I GUARANTEE he will be facing an
“insurrection.” People don’t take kindly to a clueless governor
who attempts to make them defenseless in the face of the millions of
ILLEGAL guns out there. He’s
taking credit for the fact the meeting came off without incident,
giving the attendees and their responsible actions no credit, at all.
Talk about stupid! He actually thinks he’s “listening to the
voices of Virginians” when his every action is in OPPOSITION to
those voices.
Friday, July 17, 2020
Violence to Support A Cause
The liberals have nothing. So they commit violence to stop any
opposition to their stupid policies. They see a “MAGA hat”
and they lose it. Then they run up to the wearer and slap it off his
head, then assault him for wearing a legal symbol of the president. I
am a solid Trump supporter. He is the only politician who is actually
DOING something about the corruption in this country. But as an
83-year-old man who can barely walk, I dare not wear one in
for fear of being assaulted
or maybe even killed by a young,
healthy thug who disagrees with my
support and has nothing to offer except violence. A
star was seen wearing a “Blue Lives Matter face mask and has been
subjected to intense pressure to wear something else because those
“Black Lives Matter” fools don’t like him wearing it. They
see it as opposition to their position, and they can’t stand
I should add here that he is black. Of
course they instantly call it racism, even if the wearer is black.
But that makes no difference to those fools. Other people also dare
their support for President Trump for the same reason. And
the liberals mark that as a victory, thinking it indicates that he
cannot win in November. But they’re going to be very much surprised
when he wins by a possible 50-state majority, taking the House and
the Senate along with him, gaining another four years to complete the
job he promised to do, “drain the swamp.” That’s
what the liberal
(Dumbocrat) fools fear the most . That’s why they fight so hard.
(USA Today)
Changing the 2nd Amendment
Liberals, if they see an impediment to their complete takeover of the
government, making it a dictatorship with
them always in charge,
they want to “move the goalposts.” They’d like to eliminate the
First, AND the Second Amendments to the Constitution because the
First allows conservatives to say the truth (if demonstrators and
college students don’t drown them out), while the Second assures
they will not be able to just “walk over” us in their quest for
power. The First also guarantees a free press, although today’s
liberal media “self-censors,” adhering to liberal-dictated
“speech,” where people are only allowed to use “approved words”
or are castigated for not using them. The Second assures we will be
able to maintain (mostly) the First, by guaranteeing our right to
“bear arms” in self defense, even against our own government, if
necessary. They want to “modify” both Amendments, but both are
“yes or no” questions. Either we have to right to say what we
wish without fearing government action, or we’re not. In the
Second, either we’re allowed to “bear arms,” or we’re not.
There is no “modifying” them without eliminating them,
altogether—and that’s exactly what liberals want. (Just common
Insisting On Stupidity
That’s the only way they will ever establish a lie as the truth. By
banning anybody who tells you otherwise. Biologically, there are only
TWO SEXES. They are not “assigned at birth,” they are “DISCOVERED
at birth” by observing which one of only TWO sex
organs the baby has. There is no other sex organ possible for a baby
to have. Denver
columnist John Caldera said otherwise in a column, and got fired for
it. That’s the only way the left has to push their silly “flights
of fancy.” Insist people say things that are untrue or get fired.
That’s how they have promoted the silly idea that man can change
the climate.
They insist people spout lies or get punished for it. They have even
been so bold as to suggest that LAWS be made to make disagreeing with
that global warming/climate change farce a CRIMINAL offense, subject to
fines, and even jail time. How long will it be before they make
believing there are only two sexes into a criminal offense? (Legal Insurrection)
Thursday, July 16, 2020
"A Police Problem"
There is a rising police problem in this country and the criminals
want you to believe it is the cops assaulting the citizens, most of
them black. No; the
problem is with the citizens assaulting the cops and then liberal
(Dumbocrat) politician not “having their backs” when they do what
it takes to maintain order.
Example: that situation in
Atlanta where a drunken criminal was too drunk to stay awake to get
his order in a Wendy’s line and the cops were called. The cops did
their jobs and were in the process of arresting him
on a DUI
when he went crazy and attacked them, fighting them off, and stealing
one of their stun
guns, turning
it on the cop, aiming it at the cop’s HEAD and firing.
aiming at that cop’s HEAD made it attempted murder and they shot
him to death. Then the liberals
events, saying he was killed for sleeping in that line,
ignoring his possibly deadly attack on the cops, and saying
he was killed simply for sleeping in that line when that couldn’t
be further from the truth. He was killed after attempting to murder
that cop. Then Atlanta’s Dumbocrat politicians charged the COP with
felony murder and fired him, rather than stand behind him until the
facts came out. In NYC, a bunch of thugs who were rioting on a bridge
attacked a bunch of cops, injuring several.
got “taken down” themselves. DiBlasio then was heard making
“tough threats” he will never carry out. Those cops will probably
be fired, some of them even charged with a crime for defending
themselves against that angry mob. No; the
problem is NOT with cops assaulting citizens, it is with citizens
assaulting cops, sometimes killing them from ambush,
other times killing them when they get the upper hand while being
arrested, while the cop’s bosses don’t stand behind them, making
them reluctant to do what is necessary to maintain order—which
enables the criminals and demoralizes the cops. (Vox)
Worried About Farts
As if the fuss about the CEO of GOYA Foods having
the temerity to actually praise our sitting president
weren’t enough, now liberals, far and wide, are “very worried”
about how the increased farting by buyers of GOYA beans will affect
global warming/climate change. The
fact that “climate change” is an imaginary problem doesn’t
enter into it. Liberals have targeted GOYA because its CEO didn’t
“toe the liberal line,” so they’re going to find everything
they can to use in hitting him over the head every chance they can
get. For my part, I’m going to seek out GOYA products, and fart as
much as possible, and liberals be damned. Of course, this fits right
in with the liberal wish to tax as much as they can, and it was only
a matter of time after they started taxing cow farts that that would
move on to human farts. Every living being farts. Cows fart; horses
fart; dogs fart. INSECTS fart. We just can’t hear them. And I
predict that liberal fools will try taxing farts from as many of them
as they can. I
notice this comes from the Babylon
Bee, a
well known spoof publication, so I’m not really sure of its
veracity. But since liberals are so prone to be stupid, it’s easy
to fall for it.
(Babylon Bee)
"Doesn't Work With Gangs"
A New Zealand police commander tells us the obvious: “Gun
control only works with the compliant.” The law-abiding. It doesn’t
work with gangs, or other law-breakers.
No kidding! Maybe we should import her
and send her
to the Virginia Legislature. They need somebody with a few brains.
There obviously aren’t any there, considering the recent anti-gun
laws they’ve passed. Of course, their governor isn’t much better.
He promised a “violent confrontation” with the pro-gun folks at
that recent pro-gun meeting. He, and his “compliant” media were
sorely disappointed when nobody got shot and killed (while
he hid in his office),
in spite of all the guns that were there. Of course, he was quick to
take credit for stopping a confrontation that wasn’t going to
happen, anyway. He’s a consummate politician. A “good con man.”
NZ cop realizes what I, and many other people have been telling
people for years: anti-gun laws only work on the law-abiding, who
OBEY laws, even if they think they’re stupid. So what the hell GOOD
are they? NO good, that’s what. They only make it easier for
law-breakers, who obey NO laws, to victimize those who do. So
they make more of them. (Twitter)
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Joe Biden Is Wrong!
Everything he proposes to do if he gets elected president is wrong.
He wants
to open the borders and allow MS-13 gang members to come into this
country with nothing to stop this murderous gang, which is staging a
“slow-motion invasion” of this country to enter so they can kill
many more of us—and victimize many others. He plans to raise your
taxes unmercifully. He’s very up front about that. He thinks he can
take your money and spend it wildly (like Dumbocrats do) will improve
the economy. His apologists claim that
he intends to raise taxes only on the top 1%, which is a lie. And
even if true, it mitigates against any improvement in the economy. He
wants to put Christians—which many of you are—on the terrorist
watch list, which demonstrates his abysmal stupidity for all to see.
has many other plans for us, too. Plans that will, if implemented,
BREAK this economy and the country, dropping us into socialism and
maybe even communism eventually.
China wants to take us over, and Joe doesn’t see them as a threat.
Then there is the question of his very advanced age, and his
demonstrated senility. Half the time he doesn’t even know where he
is. He wants to abolish almost everything
the liberal left tells him to. He has jumped on the “Abolish the
cops” bandwagon. He
believes in that “Green Myth” of climate change, first known as
global warming, and his planned method for dealing with that
imaginary problem will also break us. There are so many things about
Biden that are WRONG, I can’t even think of them all. He is an
“impending danger” to this country and, if elected, will finish
Obama’s job of destroying it. We need to send him to the trash heap
of history so children can admire his hairy legs and he can sniff
little (and big) girls’ hair, full time—if he lasts another year.
Where he can make gaffes all day long and nobody will notice while he
supports his son’s illegal activities—and maybe even a few of his
own. (Just
common sense)
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