Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Trump Won't Leave?

Long time “journalist” Ted Koppel says that Trump won’t leave office if he is not re-elected. What a stupid thing to say! Any office holder who loses his re-election and refuses to leave office will be dragged out in chains by a U. S. Marshal and put in prison. But I digress. That’s what they say about every president. They said it about Bush. And Clinton, and Obama. And when the time came, each one packed up his belongings (Clinton a little more than his belongings) and went on he is way after welcoming the new president. What people like Koppel do not consider is that there are laws to handle things like that, and a president who refuses to leave office is violating them. And he or she WILL be removed, bodily, if necessary. And the Secret Service will not side with him. They will stand aside and let it happen because they know the law. People like Koppel are fools if they think otherwise, and are just trying to “whip up” negative sentiment. (Right Wing Tribune)

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