Monday, May 4, 2020

"Do As We Do; It Works"

That’s what Chicago says. But it does NOT work. They have some of the tightest “anti-gun laws” in the country, coupled with one of the highest, if not THE highest gun killing rate in the nation. THIS is “what we do is working?” The people who insist on this must be having an “opium high,” because nothing could be further from the truth. And one of the “mayor hopefuls” says the way to success is to somehow FORCE the sovereign states of Indiana and Wisconsin to institute the Illinois/Chicago “victim disarmament laws” upon their citizens, even suing them, if necessary. As if one state suing another sovereign state will work. They blame it all on guns “imported from other states,” thinking that, if they can get Indiana and Wisconsin to help, they can solve the problem. The basic flaw in their plan is that none of these laws work. So FORCING them on other states will not stop anything. In addition, if they do cooperate, criminals in other states will “rush in” to fill the void. That is a given. Of course, the fact that ALL guns always “come in from elsewhere” (unless manufactured in the state) is not mentioned. (Just common sense)

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