Tuesday, May 26, 2020

It's About Damned Time!

I’ve been wondering for a long time why former FBI Director Comey is still out of prison. It’s because nobody seems to have found it necessary to properly investigate the FBI’s handling of the General Flynn “investigation.” Now current FBI Director Wray has finally, after much delay, ordered that investigation, hopefully to get some of the dirt off the FBI’s skirts. Wow! They now tell us that the FBI has no authority to file criminal charges against former employees. They waited until they could no longer prosecute him. Well, who DOES? There must be some way to punish them for putting a decorated war hero through such a turmoil, causing him to go bankrupt, and even putting him in jail, after even the investigators said they didn’t think he was guilty of anything. They even tried to drop the investigation, early on, but Strzok wouldn’t have it. He wanted Flynn’s scalp, and he got it. Even though he had to pony up the “evidence.” Yes, he did finally lie to the FBI. He was TOLD by the FBI what to say, and he finally broke, and said that he was told to say. Flynn was TOLD, by the FBI, to lie to an FBI questioner to avoid having his children put through the same wringer. And that was the lie they “got him” on. Maybe now some of those who railroaded Flynn will “get theirs.” But I’m not holding my breath. (Washington Examiner)

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