Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Militant Muslims have come up with a phony word to blunt ANY criticism of any Muslim, anywhere, ever, without having to answer the criticism. The phony word is “Islamophobia,” and it imputes some kind of mental insufficiency into the critic. This way they don’t have to come up with answers to criticisms of their sometimes strange actions, and even deadly ones. Well, I can come up with phony words of my own. Mine is “NonIslamophobia,” which imputes a mental aberration into any criticism by a militant Muslim to anybody NOT a Muslim. Something to which all militant Muslims are prone. Now notice I append the word “militant” onto that, which shows that this is not a criticism of all Muslims, although all are taught, by their “Bible,” the Koran, to do so. I don’t agree with many of the teachings in their religion, but that’s their business, as long as they don’t try and impose their beliefs and practices on me. Gays have their own phony word in “homophobia,” and is designed to do the same: impute a somehow mental aberration onto any body criticizing gays, for any reason. I predict there will be many more phony words created, and the purpose will be the same: to blunt any criticism of a certain group of people without the bother of answering their criticism. (Just common sense)

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