Friday, May 15, 2020

Abuses of Power

Politicians all over are using this Coronavirus panic to abuse their power. Many are making edicts that fly in the face of the Constitution, claiming that the panic makes it necessary. One example is in Washington state, where Gov Inslee is reopening restaurants, but requiring that customers give the restaurants more information than they’re entitled to, which can be accessed by agents of the governor. How the hell that does ANYTHING to mitigate the virus is beyond me. In order to remain open, restaurants must also meet a dozen other requirements including operating at 50% capacity or below, and seating no more than five guests at each table, according to Inslee’s office. Such information is none of the governor’s business. The government in liberal Washington State has already, before the virus, stuck its uninformed nose in business by forcing them to pay workers not worth more than $7 and hour $15.00 and hour, which cuts severely into their profit picture and threatens their very existence—and that’s without this further interference. Politicians have seized on this virus as an opportunity to place all kinds of new “rules and regulations” on us, which will last long after the virus has been conquered. (American Thinker)

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