Monday, February 24, 2020

Yes, It IS Unfair!

CrazyBernie” Sanders says, “It’s not fair to say it’s all bad in Castro’s Cuba.” It damned sure IS, Bernie! Bernie is a dedicated socialist who sees nothing wrong with communism, which is just a “different form” of collectivism from socialism. The only difference is “cosmetic.” He objects to us calling it simple socialism. He wants us to call it “democratic socialism.” But I can’t see a difference between the two. It’s a matter of semantics. Both are based on TAKING from those who EARN, and GIVING to those who do NOT. And in their purest form, they require a dictator to FORCE people into accepting it because they KNOW that intelligent people know it is theft, and want no part of it. Bernie is the beneficiary of liberal school teachers and college professors pounding the idea that socialism is such a good thing into our impressionable youth when they’re too young to know any better. Of course, Dumocrats, who are known for accusing Trump of what THEY are doing, are even now touting a new accusation of “Russian help” for Trump in the upcoming 2020 election, even though they’re still insisting he KNEW the Russians were helping him in 2016—which he has NOT, because he DID not. They failed to prove anything before, so they’re predictably (for them) trying it again, since they have no imagination and keep trying the same old scams over and over gain. The truth is, no political system had murdered more people than has collectivism, in all its forms. And that’s just one thing that’s “bad” in Cuba. There’s no getting around that. (Just common sense)

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