Thursday, February 13, 2020

Sliding Into Collectivism

I fear we’re doing just that. The exact same thing that destroyed the Russians when communism began to take over there, and created the Soviet Union, which caused the deaths of millions, the ruination of just as many, and finally the collapse of collectivism in the Soviet Union after 75 years of oppression. The proponents of all forms of collectivism extol the “good things” collectivism brings—such as “free things” the government gives away after taking them from those who are gullible enough to EARN their own way. The fact is, collectivism (and its more familiar term, socialism), just does not work in the long run. It may SEEM to work for a while, as the government loots the producers of new wealth for the benefit of the moochers of society, who simply wish to live at the expense of others. That is the basic promise made by the proponents of socialism—that they CAN live at the expense of others. What they don’t tell you is that eventually those producers begin to realize they are being looted and stop earning. Leaving little to be looted—and that causes the failure of socialism because it DEPENDS on being able to loot those people to support their flawed system. I see the same thing happening here that eventually took over in Russia. The false idea that those who do not earn their own way are ENTITLED to that earned by those who do. And that makes me glad I am as old as I am, so I won’t have to live under such a system. What pains me is that my descendants will have to. It’s a damned shame so many fools buy that BS, leading to their own downfall. (Just common sense)

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