Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tag Team On Impeachment

“Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff failedmanaged to impeach President Trump with NO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing, then he passing the baton to Jerry Nadler to keep the incessant “investigation” going, in spite of NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing by the president being found, after almost THREE YEARS of “searching for a crime” he MUST have committed. The voters are getting very tired of this incessant din of baseless claims that they have “solid evidence” of his wrongdoing, which they do not have. Evidence they never share with us because there ISN’T ANY. I got tired of it a long time ago because I knew it was a “dog and pony show” like the “show trials” they once held in the Soviet Union to pretend their political enemies must be guilty of SOMETHING. The “dirty little secret” is, there’s NOTHING even approaching a crime. After searching for one tor THREE YEARS, you’d think they’d realize the “search” is futile, and give up. But not the Dumocrats. They thought if they can keep this impeachment scam going until the 2020 election, they can cause Trump to lose. But they’re wrong. People are so tired of it, they will vote Trump back in as president, and then maybe try and change the law to allow him a third term. That would really cause a run on clean underwear for liberal Dumocrats! Update: The senate acquitted Trump, which caused Nancy Peelosi to literally go insane. She’s now claiming he “wasn’t acquitted,” because they didn’t “follow her orders.” (Just common sense)

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