Thursday, February 6, 2020

"Combating Gun Violence"

What liberals call “combating gun violence” is as much of a scam as is “climate change/global warming.” It’s based entirely on a phony premise: that you can just “make a law,” and everything will be okay. The fact that criminals and other miscreants just IGNORE those laws is just “icing on the cake.” It just gives them yet another opportunity to make more new laws that don’t work, and to create new “fees and taxes” to “help in combating gun crime.” The fight never ends, as with climate change, and the anti-gun fools continue to profit from it, while governments get to create even more taxes so they can “better fight gun crime.” It is just as much of a swindle as is climate change. They just have not had to change its name (yet) to maintain “believability.” So every time some fool misuses a gun he usually has gotten illegally, gives them yet another opportunity to clamor for more useless laws and regulations, while people DIE because of it, since the law-abiding are DISARMED, and rendered DEFENSELESS in the face of the millions of illegal guns out there. (Just common sense)

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