Thursday, February 20, 2020

Gun Control's A Fantasy

A fantasy supported by the fallacy that all you have to do is make a law against something and criminals, who obey NO laws, will magically OBEY this one. And another fallacy that it is even POSSIBLE to eliminate guns from the world. You cannot. It’s like putting toothpaste back in the tube. It can’t be done. There are billions of guns in existence, both legal and ILLEGAL, and millions of them are ILLEGAL. There is NO WAY a person can defend him/herself against one of those millions of illegal guns in the hands of criminals and other miscreants, without having his OWN gun. But the anti-gun fools will not hear of that. They think that, if the law-abiding are able to have guns, they will “go wild” and start shooting each other over trifles, such as a fender-bender. That completely discounts the fact that holders of illegal guns are doing that, right now. Gang members, who are too young to legally buy a gun, are shooting each other over “turf.” You can get killed for being in the wrong place. Gun control cannot be obtained by doing away with only legal guns. But you can’t convince the anti-gun fools of that. They don’t have the INTELLIGENCE to understand it. (Liberty Park Press)

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