Friday, February 7, 2020

Again and Again!

The Dumocrats couldn’t lynch Trump with impeachment because he wasn’t guilty of even the feeble “charges” they brought against him—with no proof of any wrongdoing among them, so they lost, and lost BIG when the Senate found him innocent. Of course, Nancy Peelosi refuses to accept that decision and says, “Trump didn’t really get acquitted.” Yes Nancy, he did. Whether you like it, or not. You don’t control the Senate like you do the house, where those accusations began. So now they’re going to go back to that old, discredited opposition to Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which they lost, too. Now they’re claiming the FBI “didn’t interview 30 witnesses” in investigating him on orders from the White House, and now they want to do it—a year later.

Of course, it’s a false notion, but it gives them cover to keep the spurious “investigation” going until the election—again hoping to derail Trump’s re-election. That they’ve misread the mood of the voters is obvious to anybody BUT Dumocrats, and they will lose again. One wonders what phony accusation they’ll make after that. Probably John Bolton. And, since Bolton really has nothing to add except his OPINION on policy, they’ll fail again. And come up with something else. As in the anti-gun fight, they demonstrate their insanity by doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. They couldn’t impeach Trump, now they want to impeach Kavanaugh. After that fails, they’ll probably go back to impeaching Trump—again. (Western Journal)

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