Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hillary's Death List

It's strange how many people HIllary doesn't like or who are about to testify against her or Bill end up dead. I’ve written many times about the long list of people who have ended up dead because they could PROVE her crimes, and the whole thing was called a “conspiracy theory.” And that as supposed to blunt the facts those deaths represented. One case in particular stood out, which was ruled as “suicide” by a man who shot himself in the head—TWICE. Now they’re pulled yet another possible anti-Hillary testifier out of a river, dead. Add that to her “death list.” Of course, nobody’s going to really investigate her “death list” and her possible connection too many suspicious murders, because “the fix is in.” Not just locally where the murders are committed, but nationally. Probably the only reason I haven’t been murdered is that she doesn’t really regard me as a real threat, and she only murders those who are. I’d better be careful I don’t join that group. (Three Percent Nation)

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