Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Taxing the Wealthy

It's just jealousy. They’re offering that old saw. “Tax the wealthy and solve all our problems.” One little problem. It won’t work. They taxed the wealthy up to 90% in the past, and it never brought in enough money to make stealing what they EARNED worthwhile. Truth is, there just are not ENOUGH “super-rich” to make that work, even if it were moral to take most of what they earned. Taxing the rich is an old, old, socialist scam, and, like socialism itself, doesn’t work. In New York City, the mayor says, “There’s plenty of money here. It’s just in the wrong hands.” WHAT “wrong hands?” The hands of the people who EARNED it? What’s more, what gives this fool the right to DECIDE whose hands ARE “right?” Socialists are always trying to “redistribute the wealth.” Other people’s wealth, not their own. The unalterable fact is that most of the liberal elites are AMONG the “super rich.” They just don’t want you to know it. Nancy Peelosi, for instance, is one of the richest women in California. But she “plays the pauper” to get votes.

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