Thursday, February 21, 2019

"$1,000 A Month Dividend?"

One fortunately obscure Dumocrat presidential candidate promises us a $1,000 a month “dividend,” whether we worked or not. He says, “These are good times, so we can afford it.” Of course, he doesn’t even mention that it is the Republican president, and the free market that CAUSED it to be “the good times,” (not the socialism he visualizes) and if what he promises is put in force, it will reverse all that. Guys like this don’t ever think it out. First, if people got $1,000 a month without working, how many of them WOULD work? Second, with few people working, how would they GET the money to PAY $1,000 a month to millions of people? Things cause things to happen. If nobody is working, nothing gets produced. And soon they run our of other people’s money as well as goods and products, and the whole thing collapses, as it has in Russia, Venezuela, and soon Cuba. Then people they will have to LOOT will soon realize they’re being looted, and will also stop producing new wealth for the benefit of those who produce NOTHING. With no new wealth for them to LOOT, their system will collapse. But they hope to be dead by then. so do I. (Just common sense)

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