Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Child Protection Racket

I’m one of the biggest enemies there is of the “Child Protectors” because they ruin people’s lives over PHONY “child protection charges” and pursue them in spite of the fact that there is no proof any exists. Meanwhile, they IGNORE obvious assaults on children such as the LGBT parents who are forcing their FIVE-YEAR-OLD into “becoming a girl.” At the age of 5, there is NO WAY this child has lived long enough to make such an important decision in his life. To force it upon him is child abuse, but don’t look for the “Child Protectors” to act on this soon. Yes, I said, “his.” Sue me. The child protectors have their own ideas of what constitutes child abuse, and they have no relation to reality. But they have been given the power to enforce them extra-constitutional. They claim what they do is not “criminal,” so the Constitution doesn’t cover it. That’s a lot of bull droppings, but it seems to work, for them. This is one of the dangers of allowing sexual deviates to raise children. They impute their ideas into them. And transgenderism IS sexual deviancy. Don’t like my saying that? Sue me. Maybe a liberal judge will award you some money I don’t have to pay and you can whistle for the money. (Mommy Underground)

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