Friday, September 14, 2018

Typical Democrat Lies

Dumocrat Senator Diane Feinstein says she has a letter from a woman who SAYS Kavanaugh locked her up in a room and tried to rape her when they were both in HIGH SCHOOL. If they had to go back that far to even FIND a woman to lie about him, they’re really desperate. And I believe that’s what they did. Again, it’s an accusation based entirely on the UNSUPPORTED WORD of one woman who, if it did happen (which I sincerely doubt), remained silent about it all these years, including the time he went through the same process when he was first appointed to superior court. Why did she bring it up now (if she actually did)? Because the Dumocrats have a lot of money they can drop in her bank account if she does it. And DiFi didn’t want to give Congress any time to “look into it.” I don’t know if her accusation is true or not (I doubt it). But without more than just her unsupported word, it is USELESS. Means about as much as Anita Hill’s “pubic hair on a coke can” did in getting now Justice Thomas rejected. The tactics of the Dumocrats are so transparent, a toddler could see through them. They use the same ones, over and over, even though they rarely work. They won’t work this time, either. (Daily Caller)

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