Tuesday, September 18, 2018

"No Proof Needed"

The woman who has accused Judge Kavanaugh of (almost) rape now has a lawyer who apparently doesn’t know much about how the law works. This fool lawyer says “she doesn’t need to prove her accusations.” I guess this lawyer figures a woman can stick a pin in the phone book and choose a man she wants to accuse of a serious crime, and do it, with NO PROOF required. And that man has to prove it didn’t happen. I got a clue for ya, “counselor.” It doesn’t work that way in the real world. In the real world, the accuser MUST prove the accusations for them to be taken seriously. But not, apparently, in the world of politics. Especially not if the accused is not a liberal. Liberals who are accused DEMAND proof, while they say a non-liberal is “guilty until proven innocent.” In fact, liberals seem to be never charged. Hillary Clinton, for example, violated many laws, and has yet to face any charges. In Kavanaugh’s case, some bimbo comes out of the woodwork at the last minute, accusing him of a terrible crime, and they say she MUST be believed, and he should be put before a firing squad, just on her unsupported word. (Just common sense)

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