Friday, September 7, 2018

Schumer's Stupid Warning

Chuckie Schumer has “warned folks” to “watch out for 3D printed guns,” completely ignoring the MILLIONS of real guns, already out there. This shows the typical stupidity shown by many politicians, who have no idea what goes on in the world, outside of their own personal interests. There is nothing new about unregistered guns in circulation, way before they invented 3D printing. Chuckie just THINKS that represents a “new threat” because of his limited knowledge. And this fool is responsible for the entire Dumocrat Party. First of all, he does not understand guns—or anything else he PRETENDS to make laws for or against. He thinks a shotgun is a “rapid fire weapon.” Just like other anti-gun fools. He really believes that if we get rid of all LEGAL guns, crime will stop. He has no idea that if we do that, crime will go all out of control because there will be NO guns in the hands of the victims, making it easier for the bad guys to victimize them. He really believes that making a LAW against something actually stops people from doing it. (NY Post)

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