Thursday, September 20, 2018

Democrat "Heroes"

Dumocrats talk about TWO people who have been “accused” (only) of sexual misconduct “being on the Supreme Court.” That includes Justice Thomas and future Justice Kavanaugh. They think unsupported by evidence “accusations” are proof of misconduct. They tried very hard in the case of Justice Thomas, but couldn’t come up with more than a pubic hair on a Coke can. And even that hair cannot be attributed to Thomas. Now they’re talking about a 37 year-old UNPROVABLE accusation of “near rape” that the accuser can’t even come up with any details of. She won’t even come forward to testify about it, and is making excuse after excuse to avoid it. Meanwhile, Dumocrats laud Bill Clinton as a hero even though there is ample evidence of his sexual misconduct, even rapes. The “Lion of the Senate,” Teddy Kennedy, he of the “woman sandwich” and the killing of “that Kopechne woman” as she was referred to by Kennedy and his accomplices, is STILL a Dumocrat hero, even after his death. Then there is Alcee Hastings, a Dumocrat judge who was impeached for corruption, who later ran for, and was elected to, the Senate, where he remains, to this day. These are the kinds of people who are dumping all over Judge Kavanaugh, who has NEVER had anybody even THINK of accusing him of any misconduct until the Dumocrats wanted to keep him off the Supreme Court, at all costs. They STILL have no PROOF of any misconduct, sexual or otherwise, but they are in the process of systematically ruining his life, on the basis of something that can’t be proved (as usual). The swamp is “doing it’s thing” while Trump is “tearing their house down.” (Wikipedia)

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