Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Abortion "Rights"

That’s a misnomer if there ever was one. That intimates that the parents have the “right” to MURDER the result of their unprotected sex instead of taking the responsibility of RAISING that result, which is a HUMAN BEING, with “rights” of its own. The right not to be murdered in the womb. The right to LIFE. And even if they just can’t take that responsibility, they could put that child up for adoption, an option that does not involve murder. There is no shortage of couples BEGGING for a child to adopt, as their own, and childbirth is no harder on the body than is abortion. MURDER should never be a legal option, and that’s what this is. It is making murder a substitute for a rubber. I never thought I’d see the day when the government would approve of murder, and that’s exactly what this is. This is our holocaust, just as the wanton murder of Jews was Germany’s, under Adolph Hitler. In the coming years, this will be forever our shame, as later “wiser heads” realize the mistake the Supreme Court, under a liberal majority, made with Roe V. Wade, and the millions of dead bodies that created. Today, liberals are deathly frightened that Judge Kavanaugh, if confirmed, will REVERSE Roe v. Wade. And they’re right to be frightened, as this is the only proper ruling to be made to correct this mistake and save the lives of countless infants who will then not be murdered in the womb, and sometimes even after birth. I sincerely hope no member of my family is ever responsible for an abortion. That would be a shameful thing for them, forever. (Just common sense)

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