Thursday, September 6, 2018

Ignorance Personified

That’s David Hogg. A teenage fool who thinks he knows everything, and has found someone dumb enough to let him talk to a lot of people. Like most young fools, he thinks he is smarter than people who have had years of experience he has not lived long enough to have had. Now he’s saying that Trump will “cancel” the 2020 elections. Apparently, he never got to read the Constitution, even if he could understand what it says. Maybe he could get someone to read it to him. He probably never even knew it existed. In any case, a president CANNOT just “cancel” an election in the United states and stay in office. That’s what “tin-pot dictators” do, and that’s not what President Trump is, even if Hogg’s liberal handlers tell him he is. He’s “wearing out his welcome,” even among anti-gun fool liberals. Everybody is getting tired of hearing this kid’s whining and moaning. If he didn’t have Twitter, nobody would even know he’s still around. And for my part, who cares? Yes, a stupid fool shot up his school and he CLAIMS to have been there. Even that is in question. Some say he was a mile away when he heard about it, and got on his bicycle and rode hard to get there, so he could PRETEND to be “a survivor” and bask in the admiration of his peers. Imagine his surprise when the anti-gun fools made him out to be a “rock star.” He has been making stupid statements, ever since. (The Blaze)

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