Thursday, September 13, 2018

Sheriff Is Wrong

I told you recently that a recent shooting was supposed to be lawful under the “stand your ground law” in Florida. It was NOT. It was a simple case of bloody murder. One man pushed another to the ground in a dispute over a handicapped parking space. He turned to leave, but turned back to say something, and the guy on the ground shot and killed him. Under the “stand your ground law,” the shooter must be suffering a life-threat. This guy was NOT suffering a threat to his life. Yes, he had suffered the indignity of being pushed to the ground, but that’s not a “life threat.” It was not a good reason to kill the guy who pushed you down, as this guy did. The sheriff was wrong to use the “stand your ground law” in this instance. This guy should have been charged with at least second degree murder, whatever they call that in Florida. The fact that the shooter had threatened the victim before, apparently didn’t enter into the thinking of the sheriff. This story gave the anti-gun fools something they will be citing for the next hundred years, or more, even though it was a CRIME, and wrongly attributed (Update: They did charge him with manslaughter, even though it was premeditated murder). (Clergy Supports Second)

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