Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Is Torture Okay?

For Islamic terrorists, YES! I don't like the very idea of torture. It opens a whole “can of worms” for Americans. Will cops be able to go back to “beating a confession” out of suspects? No, according to the “talking heads” in DC. But where Islamic terrorists are concerned, I waver. They don't hesitate to use torture on US, even to the extent of BEHEADING some of the people they capture, and making videos of their atrocities for propaganda, captured not always on the battlefield. Their biggest targets seem to be “non-combatants” who are doing them no harm, not even by subscribing to other than Islam religions, and the right subset, of that.

But sometimes situations REQUIRE more than average questioning techniques, in order to save innocent lives. And Islamic terrorists don't fear death (or so they say, and some don't). But they fear PAIN. And pain can sometimes get admissions “normal questioning techniques" cannot. So there may be a narrow area in which the application of pain can be beneficial in questioning them. Yes, it can elicit false answers. But the pain itself can be beneficial to us. Not to be used on non-proven terrorists, but able to be used to frighten would-be Islamic terrorists into not allowing themselves to be “recruited” by this EVIL bunch. (Town Hall)

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