Friday, March 25, 2016

Eliminating Private Transportation

Liberals are working HARD to force us into depending on public transportation. I've managed to avoid it most of my life, because I've always had a car, from the time I became an adult. But the bombings in Brussels show how short-sighted that is. After the Brussels bombings, the government shut down ALL public transportation so that NOBODY could go anywhere without having their own transportation (of course the terrorists had theirs). People like me, who CAN'T walk very far, must depend on somebody else to get where I must go if they don't have a car. Public transportation is responsible for many robberies, rapes, and other crimes, because it forces a lot of people together, making them good targets. And the crooks go onto public transportation to prey on them.  I choose not to use it. The same is true of all the mass gatherings for entertainment and political speeches. I'm sure there will soon be a bombing at one of Trump's rallies, and it will predictably be blamed on him. I'm not going to put myself in such am position, by not going to such gatherings, ever. If they ever ban private transportation in America, I will become a criminal. (Just common sense)

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