Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Incompetent GOP Establishment

I never thought I'd see it: Republicans supporting DEMOCRATS instead of their own overpoweringfront-runner . I know they've supported a long list of “also-rans,” like the last three Republican candidates including Dole, Romney, and McCain, that I PREDICTED would lose when they announced. But to talk of voting for HILLARY if they can't keep their own front-runner from getting the nomination? That's REALLY absurd, and irresponsible. This portends the END for the Republican Party, and that's no “bad thing” with the incompetent fools now running it. Most likely they will be replaced by the Tea Party, which also arose out of GOP incompetence. Maybe the Tea Party won't field a presidential candidate this time, but the candidates they support will win BIG, leading to a presidential candidate that will heavily out-pull any Republican candidate in the future, thus spelling DOOM for the Republican Party. (Town Hall)

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