Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What The HELL?

Two border guards were doing their jobs when a professional drug smuggler tried to smuggle in more than 700 pounds of pot. They caught him, but he got away and ran. While running, he turned with something (thought to be a gun) in his hand and got shot in his butt for his trouble. He still got away, albeit without the pot. Johnny Sutton, U. S. Attorney and personal friend of George Bush, decided to take the smuggler's side, charging these border guards with many felonies, including using a gun in a crime. WHAT crime? These were cops trying to apprehend a criminal. They thought he was going to shoot them. They shot him instead. How the HELL did it become a "crime with gun" with the cops as the criminals? Sutton hunted down this criminal and promised him immunity, free entry into the United States, even free health care! All in return for his lying testimony against the cops who tried to apprehend him. The idea that he was "just a victim" trying to earn money for medicine for his mom is not only insipid, it's stupid! I'm not even an experienced prosecutor and I wouldn't buy this lie. The prosecutors deliberately mislead the jurors, even "sealing" evidence of yet ANOTHER smuggling trip on this criminal's part AFTER the one under "investigation." These two former border guards are treated WORSE than we treat TERRORISTS! And very few people seem to even notice. Questions to the government about this case are ignored. The only excuse I can think of for Sutton to do such a thing is that he might have been bought by the drug runners with which this criminal is associated. How he got Bush to ignore this case is beyond me. That this case should go on without the president doing something to mitigate what the government is doing to these two officers is incomprehensible to me. "Travesty of justice" just doesn't cover it. Talk about CREATING government-haters! If I were one of these men there is NO WAY I'd ever work for the government again when (and if) a pardon is given. This government has betrayed them royally, and continues to do so every day they remain in prison on phony, trumped-up charges. I've always been generally in favor of what George Bush has done. But if he doesn't do something about this travesty, he's forever lost me and, I'm sure, many others. I think he should pardon these two men and FIRE Johnny Sutton, then put HIM in prison. Now this criminal (the smuggler) has been caught yet again bringing in a load of pot. If things proceed as usual, the two DEA Agents who caught him will probably be imprisoned and the criminal freed. I'm watching. (Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, 11/5/07)

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