Saturday, November 17, 2007

And a "Hearty har-har"!

Presidential election loser John Kerry thinks he can prove the "Swift Boat Veterans" wrong, years after they cost him the election. He sent T. Boone Pickens a letter signaling his intention to take him up on his offer to give one million dollars to anyone who can prove the Swift Boat Veterans wrong on even ONE claim. Seems to me if he could, he would have done it before the election, since that seems to be the biggest thing (besides his actions after he left Viet Nam, that is), that cost him the election.Pickens, to his credit, "upped the ante" and demanded that Kerry donate one million dollars to charity if he could not prove them wrong. Seems to me that if Kerry really thought he could prove ONE thing wrong, he wouldn't worry about that. But his people are whining about it. They say many of the claims have already been rebutted. But not, apparently, to the satisfactioon of the Pickens people -- and Pickens is the man with the money. You can SAY you've "rebutted" something by YOUR standards, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have, by OBJECTIVE standards. I'll be watching this unfold with interest. Seems more like a play for publicity than anything else. (Outside the Beltway, 11/17/07)

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