Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is AlGore "Cashing In" on Global Warming?

He obviously is. He now owns a big slice of a company selling "carbon offsets" (the stupid idea that planting trees will "equalize human damage" to the planet which is making him millions (which he probably need to pay his electric bill). And did you think he did that lying movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" for free? What about that phony Nobel Prize, where he netted several hundred thousand dollars? John Stossell did a story recently about this, and got a lot of "thank yous" from people tired of hearing about global warming being "settled science." It isn't, no matter how many times Al-baby says it is. Stossel says, "Recently on 20/20, I said 'give me a break' to Al Gore for claiming that the global-warming debate is over and suggesting that all dissenters were in it for the money. I interviewed independent scientists who say Gore is wrong. Some people were relieved to finally hear the other side: 'Thank you, thank you, thank you for your report on climate change. ... I'm sick of hearing the debate's over and writing anyone who differs off as a nut.' This report showed the true nature of the debate and true lack of consensus, something you can’t get anywhere else." Denver Post's Al Lewis says, "People who say that global warming is bad for business fail to realize that global warming is a business. After winning an Oscar and the Nobel Peace Price for sounding the global-warming alarm, Al Gore is set to make a mint as a greenhouse-gas-fighting venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. Gore said he would donate his salary to the nonprofit Alliance for Climate Protection. But VCs make most of their money when they cash out of their investments. No word on what Gore will do with all of this green green. Last week, Gore signed on with Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of the nation's most successful venture capital firms and the backer of giant success stories such as Google and At Kleiner, Gore will guide alternative-energy investments." Somebody took me to task last week when I had the audacity to say Gore was making a mint out of global warming, but this is the "proof of the pudding." (John Stossell, 11/16/07)


Bob said...

The whole expression is a load. You have little knowledge or understanding of Kleiner Perkins and the venture movement into Cleantech-Greentech and total ignorance and denial into the carbon pollution and its global ecological effects. But who am I kidding, simply calling out that something you don't believe or are tired of hearing as lies without challenging the premise is in of itself the embodiment of ignorance. Humans have a long history of denying the reality for whatever reason. As for using Stoussel as your crutch once you get under his purported facts they don't hold up. Stoussel you can make the case is now an institution for himself to challenging various subjects. As for Gore, joining Kleiner the current investment of $3B into cleantech-greentech in '07 by the global venture industry is having a bigger effect on the future than current government efforts and is the place to be.

Finally the Nobel Prize is no phoney, it was called that with Martin Luther King and Gandhi by those opponents, the prize actually went to the thousand scientists who participated in the large body of evidence.

Ray Thomas said...

Thanks. I needed a good laugh. The Kleiner-Perkins thing is just one of the ways Gore profits from his global warming scam. As for Stossel, you can't even spell his name. It's typical for a liberal to trash him because he is effective in squashing your ideas with facts. As for the Nobel Prize, I lost respect for it when a terrorist won it.