Saturday, November 10, 2007

"Cheat Neutral"

Thinking you can "neutralize" your cheating is about as stupid as is people giving money to a company owned mostly by AlGore to "make up for" a "big footprint" in the amount of power they use. Gore "invented" it in order to fool the gullible into thinking he's "making up for" the "big footprint" of his own power use as he flies across the world in private planes, drives around in SUVs when on the ground, and his huge electric bill at home. The idea that "planting trees" could "offset" his power usage while he abuses others about theirs is silly. Meanwhile, as with most scams, he's making millions "planting trees" to "offset" big power usage. This while he promotes the idea that a "cyclical" rise of a quarter of a degree in temperature over 100 years is a "crisis," even if man were capable of causing, OR stopping it. Frankly, a quarter of a degree in a hundred years doesn't distress me in any case. The last time it happened, there were very few people, and NO industry on earth --and the earth is still here. (Cheat Neutral,)

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