Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Fairness: But Not For Us!

PBS, among other liberal news sources, wants the "Equal Time Doctrine" to come back for everybody else BUT them. "Democratic congressional leaders now in the majority have been entertaining the idea of reviving a federal 'Fairness Doctrine' which would require private broadcasters to comply with notions of balancing out each station's daily schedule of news, talk, and public-affairs programming. These same Democrats have been highly offended at the idea that anyone outside or inside taxpayer-funded broadcasting would monitor PBS content for fairness or balance. Despite taking federal money from all taxpayers, PBS stations across America often air programs and documentaries that tilt decidedly to the left. In funding filmmakers to go out and make one-sided left-wing films and talk programs, public broadcasting subsidies serve, in effect, as ideological pork-barrel spending. While conservatives like Frank Gaffney have seen their films stripped from the national PBS schedule due to his activist 'day job,' liberal activism is not eschewed at PBS, but encouraged. In this analysis, the Media Research Center outlines three trends that herald an increasing misuse of public television against American conservatives" My first question here is, "Who decides?" Who gets to decide what is, or is not "fair?" Who DEFINES "fairness?" Since it is liberals who want this, I'd guess the person who gets to define fairness and to decide which reports are "fair" will be a "leftie." (Media Research Center,)

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