Thursday, November 1, 2007

We're Professionals, So Shut Up!

Basically, that's what the liberal media tells us constantly. They say they have "armies of fact-checkers" and we don't. We're just "bloggers."Michelle Malkin, one of the better-known "bloggers," who is also a nationally syndicated columnist, says, "So, how is it that The Professionals fell for a Code Pink, Blackwater-bashing hoax more obvious than a nosebleed on a white tissue?" The liberal media has been the victim of MANY hoaxes, one of the best-known is the one in which a well-known national anchor ended up being fired because of a story (he still maintains was true, even if he did have to use false papers to show it) about George Bush supposedly lying about his National Guard service. Then there's the picture of a woman holding up her supposedly "blood-smeared hands" in front of Condoleeza Rice, intimation that Rice is somehow involved in an "illegal war" (Which she is not, as the Iraqi war IS approved by Congress). The fact is, with all their "armies of fact-checkers," they are the victims of hoaxers all the time, because they want the things the hoaxers say to be true, as in the case of the Iraqi man who brought an already dead baby (who had died from illness) to the scene of a firefight and told reporters American troops killed him. They bought it, hook, line, and sinker, as they did the Code Pink "Blackwater hoax." This makes me proud to be a blogger who doesn't buy this bull. (Michelle Malkin, 11/1/07)

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