Thursday, November 15, 2007


In Saudia Arabia, men gang raped a 19-yesr-old woman and SHE is punished with 200 lashes AND a jail sentence. Yes, they punished the men (a slap on the wrist), but predictably they found SOMETHING with which to charge HER (being in a car with a man she was not related to). This is the kind of thing I abhor about the Muslim religion and the "Sharia law" it engenders. The way Muslims treat their women is a disgrace. And it has been that way for thousands of years. Not even moving into the twenty-first century has stopped it. And they CLAIM to be "a religion of peace." Define "peace." To them it seems that "peace" means anyone who doesn't follow Sharia Law being dead or in prison. This is a nation where men having sex with LITTLE BOYS is seen to be "normal." I guess when men have sexual excesses of any kind it is okay, but not women. I notice and resent the mention of the "ultra-conservative" Saudi government and the liberal news media's effort to connect American conservatives to this kind of action. (Breitbart, 11/15/07)


Kenneth said...

Do things like this never happen anywhere else in the world? Have you read anything or do you just sprout off ridiculous opinions in hopes of sounding intelligent? I suggest reading Edward Said's Oreintalism and Kaplan's Soldiers of Gods and then you can at least somewhat educated opinion about how our conceptions about Islam are skewed by a media that isn't liberal nor conservative but simply inept. Start reading and then you won't make sweeping generalizations that make you sound like a close-minded git.

Ray Thomas said...

Mr. Griggs:

You can claim that my words are from somebody who doesn't know anything about it, but I speak from the evidence I've unearthed, not liberal OR conservative "propaganda." It's a well-known fact (not opinion) that in Saudia Arabia and other countries ruled by Sharia Law, that woman are often punished for being the VICTIM of a rape and men are usually not. Prove me wrong. It is also well-known that Saudi men (mostly the princes) DO regularly have sex with little boys, your spurious book titles notwithstanding.