Sunday, November 18, 2007

Have You Heard About This?

Tony Pellicano is an ex-con who is famous for using wiretaps, hand grenades, and plastic explosives when he spies on people for various politicians. Hillary Clinton, one of the loudest voices criticizing George Bush for the imaginary wiretapping of ordinary Americans, has been known to use his services on at least two occasions that we know of. Then there are the spineless Europeans who never heard of Neville Chamberlain (the Brit who nearly "cooperated" away all of Europe before better brains took over) who are prattling on and on about "cooperating" with Ahmadinijerk while he moves closer and closer to becoming boss of a nuclear-powered nation led by a "certifiably bonkers" president (like Hitler with nukes). Did you know the Vikings (not AlGore) first noticed the melting of Greenland's ice sheet 1,000 years ago? It's still there. So is Greenland, where temperatures are actually COOLING. But don't ask AlGore about it. He'll insult you can call you a "global warming denier." Did you know that to this day, the French press refuses to refer to the rioters who shouted "Allah Akhbar" while setting thousands of cars on fire as Muslims? How about European (non-Muslim) women who won't go out in public (in London or Amsterdam) without a veil because Muslim men shout threats and "infidel whore" or worse when they don't act like Muslims? Then there is Democrat Cynthia McKinney, who thinks the Feds bumped off rapper Tupak Shakur. Is any of this familiar? I thought not. This is the kind of thing the liberal media ignores.

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