Thursday, November 22, 2007

New York Times Dying

"Here's a story that may not have been deemed "Fit to Print": In the six months that ended Sept. 25, The New York Times' daily circulation was down another 4.51 percent to about a million readers a day. The paper's Sunday circulation was down 7.59 percent to about 1.5 million readers. In short, the Times is dropping faster than Hillary in New Hampshire. (Meanwhile, the Drudge Report has more than 16 million readers every day.)" Looks Like people who are tired of hearing or reading the same tired old lies the liberals at the Times continue to tell us are really having an effect. But the Times will never admit it, even as their circulation continues to fall like a rock. I guess Drudge is the Times of the future. One can only hope that the rest of the liberal elites follow them, lemming-like, off the edge of the abyss. The world will be a better place. (Ann Coulter, 11/21/07)

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